Most of the students tend to think of studying as a difficult task. The thought of studying alone could easily exhaust their minds, but that is because most of them tend to cram. According to Leonard from Study Prep Lounge, when we are in a state of panic, we cram and rush to prepare ourselves for upcoming exams. When you are cramming, it is hard for your mind to retain information. However, if you incorporate study habits into your daily lives, it will make studying a whole lot easier.
Organize your study area
The school library is a reliable place to study, but if you are at home, then make sure you find a space where you are free from distractions. You could tell the people you are living with that you are going to study and you do not want to be disturbed. Once you find a perfect studying spot, make sure that your area is organized. Gather the things you need, such as your book, notebook, and pens. This will help you refrain from being side-tracked.
Stay away from your phone
You might have to urge to check your phone from time to time but refrain from doing that. You could put your phone on silent mode or turn it off. Please put it in a place where you can’t see it. Your Facebook friends or your Twitter followers could wait.
Create a study plan
Creating a to-do list will help you identify all the school works and tasks that you have to work on. Prioritize tasks that are important and urgent and establish a weekly rhythm. For each of your study sessions, make sure that you have a specific goal. Finding out your learning style will help you determine ways where you can study efficiently. You could be a visual learner, auditory learner, reading/writing learner, or kinaesthetic learner. Make sure you know what kind of learner you are.
Stick to your study plan
Once you have an established study plan, make sure you stick to it. Instead of viewing studying as a difficult task, try to look at it from a different perspective wherein you will benefit a lot. Make study time a part of your daily routine. Remember, consistency is key!
Join a study group
It is nice to study alone but studying in a group could also help you. Let’s say you are having a difficult time understanding a particular topic. You could ask your study partner or study group to explain it to you. You could also help the group by teaching them. This also serves as a review for you. However, studying in groups is only effective if all of the members are prepared and are willing to invest time in studying.
Test yourself
You could test yourself whether the studying session you have done is effective through mock tests. You could do it with your study group or just by yourself. This is a great way to know which topics you are familiar with and topics where you need to pay extra attention. You could scan your books for sample problems, look for quizzes online, or compile questions by yourself.
Take a break
Studying shouldn’t be a difficult task where it takes a toll on your body. Take a break from time to time. Drink water or coffee, eat snacks or make your trip to the bathroom. You could also use this break to check in case your phone you received an important message. Studying nonstop can be mentally exhausting and will refrain your brain from retaining information. Make sure you do not overexert yourself. The goal of studying is for you to learn new things. It should be a fun task for you.
There are a lot of ways you could improve your study habits. The most important thing is to find a suitable study plan and make sure you stick to it.