When it comes to marketing for your business, there are many different ways you can boost your sales and website traffic. PR campaigns are one of the best ways to get your business more visibility and hopefully they will lead to more client interest or some new customers. In the last 10 years, PR has changed quite a bit, with more SEO tactics being essential and less of the traditional techniques. If you are looking to run more PR campaigns, here are some tips on how to manage them perfectly…
Know your audience
When it comes to managing your PR campaigns, it’s crucial to know your audience and who you want to target. When you have defined this, you can work on targeting them through press releases and specific media publications. You can create news you think your potential clients would enjoy reading or make them attracted to your business. If you are struggling to get creative with your PR campaigns, you can get in touch with a reliable PR agency that will take the pressure off your hands and manage everything for you.
Make sure you measure the success of your campaigns
If you don’t keep track of how well your campaigns are doing, you won’t have anything to look back on and it’s likely you will forget the exact results you got. This is why you should keep track of the results, whether they’re big wins, small wins, or failures. Make sure you do this after every campaign you are running, you can then repeat the best ones and avoid doing anything similar to the ones that failed.
Focus on the quality of your press releases
There is no point in writing press releases if they aren’t good enough quality, this won’t make audiences keep reading, instead, it will put them off and look at other news. You want to create the best press releases possible so all the journalists you contact will want to feature your story, think outside the box, and put yourself out there.
Keep in contact with your favorite journalists
Making sure you keep a close relationship with your favorite journalists is essential if you want your press releases to be published frequently. Whether it’s a quick phone call, a monthly email, or being social at networking events, keep in contact. Journalists have many requests for stories every day and you will instantly stand out if they know you personally, so create those relationships.
Ask media outlets to post on their social media after publication
After your press release has been published within the media, make sure you have someone within your PR team that keeps in touch with the media to check they’re posting your news on their social channels. This will draw more traffic to your press release and hopefully your website too.
Have your own blog on your website
After you have written your press release, turn it into a blog that can be posted on the website. If people do happen to find you through your press releases, they can find out more news and updates within your blogs on your website. This will also make them want to keep coming back to check for news if they’re interested in your company.
Now that you know what to focus on when you are managing your PR campaigns, you should take all these tips into consideration if you want to succeed. Some companies find outsourcing their PR marketing to well-established agencies, as it can be a lot of hard work. This will be down to preference the size of your team, and your digital marketing budget.