Like all other kinds of living organisms, bugs and rats are essential to the balance of the world’s delicate ecosystems. But when these household pests turn up uninvited in your home, they represent both a nuisance and a potential health risk.
Maintaining a clean and tidy house is the first line of defense. And regular maintenance checks can alert you to the kinds of structural cracks, gaps, and holes that make ideal entrance points for creepy crawlies and rampant rodents.
That said, even the cleanest, most well-maintained homes can still have problems with pests. Keep reading to learn more about the three most common household pests and how to get rid of them.
Although cockroaches are the most common winged household pests, many species don’t fly. Instead, they prefer to run, staining and contaminating every surface of your home in the process. Some of the many diseases they carry include coliform, hepatitis, salmonella, and streptococcus.
If you spot them around your home, make sure to find and remove all possible sources of food and water straight away. One of the main causes of household pests is easy access to food. Also try to find their entry point and block it if possible.
Since bug sprays aren’t very effective at getting rid of cockroaches, it takes a more vigilant effort to get rid of them. Or, you could get in touch with the professionals at to help you banish them for good.
Looking for a household pest identifier to find out if you might have rats? Short of seeing one alive or dead, signs like droppings, rustling noises, gnawed wires, and burrows in the garden all suggest that rats could be lurking in your home.
To control their population, remove all sources of food from inside and outside your property. You’ll also need to seal any gaps bigger than a quarter of an inch wide with steel wool to avoid them gnawing through it.
If the issue persists, set traps for them rather than laying down rat poison. This avoids the possibility of them dying in inaccessible locations around your home.
You never have just one of these tiny but mighty insects in your home. Even if you can’t spot more, it’s time to take control with some of our top household pest control tips.
First, check for containers to see if ants have infiltrated any food packets. If so, take the containers outside and clean them with soapy water. Then, deep clean your kitchen, making sure to target sticky surfaces and spills.
To stop more ants from coming in, use caulk to seal up any holes in doorways and trims and consider using baits outside.
How to Get Rid of Common Household Pests
Prevention will always be better than cure when it comes to avoiding an infestation.
But, as these tips show, there are ways to rid yourselves of even the most persistent household pests if they do happen to set up home at your place.
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