Nearly 47 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021, shocking experts and non-experts alike. The most common reason for quitting was dissatisfaction with their current position, followed by a better opportunity elsewhere and poor company culture.
63% of workers said they quit their jobs due to a lack of advancement opportunities, while 57% felt disrespected at work. The construction industry also has its share of resignations, but it’s important to note that the reasons for quitting may differ from other sectors.
Thus, employers need to learn how to overcome the Great Resignation. While a workforce management software platform is one way to accomplish this, construction industry employers also need to use other tactics. Here’s a look at some of them.
Why do employees resign in the construction industry?
The construction industry is a high-pressure environment where workers are constantly under tight deadlines. It can often lead to poor working conditions and long hours, which can be a significant source of stress for employees.
Additionally, many construction workers are hired project-by-project, creating uncertainty about job security. It can lead to workers feeling like they’re not valued by their employer, which can be a factor in resigning.
Likewise, the lack of a career path is another reason construction workers resign. There’s often little opportunity for advancement, and workers feel stuck in the same position with no chance of moving up.
5 tips to overcome the Great Resignation in the construction sector
The wave of resignations in 2021 served as a wake-up call for organizations. The mass exodus of employees showed that the traditional employer-employee relationship is no longer working and that something needs to change.
If your organization is facing a similar situation, here are five tips to help you overcome the Great Resignation.
1. Communicate with your employees
The first step is to communicate with your employees. Talk to them and find out what’s going on. Ask them why they’re leaving and what you can do to keep them.
Listening to your employees will help you understand their needs and concerns. It will also give you insights on how to improve your organization.
2. Reevaluate benefits and salaries
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that one of the main reasons why employees resign is because of money. To keep your employees, try reevaluating your benefits and salaries. Ensure that they are competitive and that your employees feel they are being compensated fairly.
Here are some ways to reevaluate employee benefits and compensation:
- Get feedback – The most basic yet valuable approach is to get feedback from your employees. Ask them what they think about their benefits and salaries.
- Conduct a survey – You can also survey your employees. It will give you insights on how to improve employee benefits and compensation.
- Look at the market – Another way to reevaluate employee benefits and compensation is to look at the market. The competitive market analysis serves as a benchmark for many employers.
3. Provide opportunities for growth
As mentioned earlier, one main reason employees quit their job is the absence or shortage of growth opportunities. If your organization does not provide opportunities for employees to grow, they will look for it elsewhere.
You must provide growth and development opportunities to retain employees. Here are some ways to do so:
- Create a career development plan – A career development plan helps employees see a path for their future in the organization. For instance, you can create a plan that outlines the steps an employee needs to take to be promoted.
- Provide training and development opportunities – Provide employees with opportunities to learn new skills and improve their existing ones. You can offer training courses, online courses, mentoring programs, etc.
- Encourage employee involvement – Encourage employees to get involved in the organization. They can participate in committees, task forces, or special projects.
4. Adopt a people-first approach
For many construction companies, it’s hard to adopt a people-first approach. After all, construction is a project-based industry, and there’s always a need to get the job done.
However, you must start putting your employees first to overcome the Great Resignation. That mandates creating a culture where your employees feel valued, appreciated, and supported.
For one, make your employees feel heard. Employees who feel listened to are 4.6 times more likely to be empowered to perform their job in the best possible way.
Secondly, give employees the autonomy they need to do their jobs. Employees who have the freedom to make decisions are more engaged and productive.
One way to do this is to offer flexible schedules. For example, instead of the traditional 9-5 workday, allow your employees to choose their own hours.
Last but not least, invest in your employees’ well-being. Employees who feel supported by their employer are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.
5. Make employee well-being a priority
The construction industry has a long history of putting profits over people. That needs to change if you want to overcome the Great Resignation.
Since the sector has more occupational safety hazards than most other industries, it’s essential to prioritize employee well-being. You can do this by:
- Providing safety training – Employees should be trained to perform their jobs safely. Make sure you provide training to prevent accidents on construction sites.
- Conducting safety audits – Regular safety audits help identify potential hazards. The audit must be performed by a qualified safety professional.
- Offering incentives for safety – Incentives encourage employees to work safely. For instance, you can offer a bonus for employees with no safety incidents.
- Creating a support system – Employees should feel supported by their employer. That includes having a system to address safety concerns.
The construction industry is facing a crisis. The Great Resignation is causing a shortage of skilled workers, and it’s only getting worse.
If you want to overcome the Great Resignation, you need to start putting your employees first. Make sure you provide opportunities for growth, adopt a people-first approach, and invest in your employees’ well-being.
Only then will you be able to retain your employees and keep your construction business running smoothly.