As many people began working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, several pros and cons of the routine have come to the general public’s awareness.
For those who previously had a long or traffic-filled commute, reducing that can be a huge benefit. For students who are missing out on the social aspect of going to school or struggling to learn remotely, staying home can be tough. For anyone in between, the change in typical scenery can have a bigger impact on our productivity than we’d like to admit.
Whether you’re waiting anxiously to resume working in person or enjoying being able to work from home, it can be helpful to learn some tips that can help increase productivity while working from home.
Overall, any rapid changes can be startling and disorienting. Whenever we go through big life changes, it can be helpful to get in touch with a therapist or counselor.
Today, it’s easier than ever, and just like work or school, therapy can be accessed online. MyTherapist offers online counseling from licensed counselors, which you can read about here:
Work From Home Productivity Tips
Working from any space that is different from the workspace you are used to can be a difficult process, let alone when it is also a space where you sleep and do leisure activities.
Try following these tips if you find yourself struggling with maintaining your productivity as you work from home.
1. Have a designated workspace
- Finding a space all your own that is also entirely devoted to working can instantly boost your productivity when you enter that space. Your brain will know it’s time to get down to business, and there’s the added bonus that you won’t be disturbed by others in your household.
- While this can be tough, especially in a busy household, it is especially helpful in maintaining productivity and keeping work separate from home life.
2. Avoid working in bed
- It has been shown that working from bed can confuse our brains into thinking that it’s time to wind down when it’s time to work or that it’s time to ramp up when we’re trying to get to sleep. Though your bed might be the most private spot in the house, it’s unlikely to work well as your workspace.
3. Set boundaries with your schedule
- Boundaries don’t have to be as scary as they sound, and can in fact be pleasant. You can set work and life balance boundaries by firmly choosing to focus on work during a certain portion of the day and then firmly leaving work behind after hours. This way, when you’re working, you’re focused on work, but when you’re not working, you can pay attention to other important things
4. Reduce screen time
- When you’re not working, choose an hour or two per day where you don’t look at a screen, including your phone. This allows your eyes and mind to rest so you aren’t constantly worn out and screen fatigued.
5. Keep up with your hobbies
- Make sure that you have a robust life outside of your job, even though you may participate in these activities in the same place.
- Just because you’re working from home does not mean you have to be working all the time. Having other activities to do that you enjoy will keep your mind from getting too exhausted.
6. Don’t forget to exercise
- Physical activity can boost your brain functioning and mood. A happier mood and a more alert brain often automatically lead to greater productivity. Take breaks throughout your workday to stretch your legs and get the blood flowing.
All of these tips could help boost productivity when working from home. They are also great ways to keep your mental health in a good place during these difficult times. Make sure you are taking plenty of time to check in with yourself and do things you enjoy in addition to work, and consider if therapy could be right for you. Your mind will thank you.