When something bad happens, your insurance company is going to be the first thing you start thinking about. You pay month after month to be protected from dangerous and sudden events, so it’s only normal that you expect these companies to put your best interests before anything else.
But you must not forget that an insurance company is a business that has a specific priority. That priority is represented by their profits, which will always come before you. For example, when a car accident takes place, insurance companies will do everything in their power to avoid payout or to downplay the severity of a claim.
Facing them alone is not a smart move and when something bad happens, you should contact experienced attorneys, like Gibbs and Crivelli, as soon as possible as they’ll be able to tell you what your claim should actually be worth.
Driving Without Insurance
Dealing with an insurance company is not easy, but it can’t be avoided. Being insured and possessing proof of insurance is legally required in most states, and driving without it can make you face several penalties, which can result in getting your license suspended; in case of an accident, you could even end up facing potential jail time.
What happens varies widely depending on the number of infractions you’ve committed and the amount of damage you’ve caused. You most likely won’t face jail time for your first offense, but you won’t be able to avoid a very expensive fine. Even if you don’t trust insurance companies, it’s not worth it to face all the legal and financial repercussions of driving uninsured. You’ll easily find yourself spending more annually, so getting at least basic car insurance is a wise choice.
Finding the Right Insurance Company
It should be obvious by now that getting insured, whether you like it or not, is essential. But you shouldn’t take the first offer you find and settle for it. Looking around so you can find everything you need at an affordable rate should be your first step. Finding the right insurance plan is almost like shopping, so don’t forget to be careful and keep your eyes open for the best deal.
A good tip if you want to save money is to use a comparison website. This will show every company in your area that can give you a good deal. If you find something that suits your needs and it’s not expensive, remember to call the company directly so you’ll avoid the website fee that was added to the price shown.
If you have special needs and you’re not the average driver, consider contacting a broker, as he’ll be able to find the best policy for your needs.
Why You Need an Attorney for Your Claim
If you find yourself in a car accident due to a negligent driver, filing a claim can help you recover from a financial point of view, as you’ll be compensated for all your injuries and even more. But if you want to win, you absolutely need an experienced attorney.
He’ll take care of negotiating with the insurance company and will know the true worth of your claim. Without one, you may find yourself accepting a settlement offer that doesn’t cover future expenses. You shouldn’t find yourself paying future medical expenses for something that’s not your fault.
A lawyer will also consider all the pain and suffering you went through, so don’t try to save money by facing the insurer responsible for the payment by yourself. You receive what you deserve means that the company is losing money. They’re not on your side like an attorney would be. Always remember to hire one so they won’t be able to take advantage of you.