Water heater leaks can create serious havoc in your home, including damaged belongings and mold growth. Continue reading to learn the warning signs that indicate when you should replace your water heater.
Afterward, you can click the following link to get in touch with some of the top-rated plumbers in Manassas, VA: https://cloverco.com/service-area/manassas/plumbing/.
1. Water Heater Leaks
No matter how well-maintained, water heaters inevitably wear out over time and cause leakage into your home. While most homeowners can easily fix minor leaks themselves, frequent leakage could indicate your heater requires replacement.
If you discover a pool of water around your water heater, switch it off immediately. Water always flows to its lowest point, so this step will help determine if there is an active leak or just normal condensation.
If a puddle forms underneath your water heater, it could be an indication of loose gaskets which require replacement. Switching off power for gas water heaters and draining the tank can help make replacing these gaskets simpler as opposed to having to work around hot elements and elements that could pose dangers.
2. Unusual Noises
Unusual noises coming from your water heater could be an early indicator that it needs replacing. From hammering and crackling sounds to rapid flooding of shutoff valves or an accumulation of sediment, the presence of such noises indicates an impending replacement is inevitable.
Hissing and crackling noises should be taken more seriously as they could indicate a broken gas valve or loose element. A humming sound must also be addressed immediately as this could indicate leakage around its mounting area, potentially endangering its safety.
3. Signs of Rust or Corrosion
Spotting rust in your water indicates that it has come for your water heater tank to retire. Rust can create mineral build-up, creating an ineffective heat exchanger, which poses serious health hazards. Rust around pressure relief valves could indicate corrosion is developing inside the tank and indicate imminent failure.
Another telltale sign of water heater failure is when its quality changes from sandy or cloudy due to a corroded anode rod. This sacrificial metal rod attracts minerals that prevent corrosion of the actual tank but, over time, may become ineffective and require replacement.
Rusted water contamination makes drinking or washing clothes unsafe and should signal that its lifespan has come to an end; hence you should replace your unit immediately should you notice this happening.
4. Increased Energy Bills
Even with regular maintenance, most water heaters only last about ten years. If yours has started making strange rumbling noises or creating cloudy/sandy water due to sediment build-up, it may be time for an upgrade or new tank altogether.
Leaks in water heaters can result in waterlogged carpeting, saturated belongings, and costly repairs; furthermore, an ineffective heating/cooling unit will increase utility bills due to ineffective heating/cooling operations.
As soon as your water heater starts deteriorating, it may be more cost-effective to upgrade to an energy-efficient model than keep repairing. Not only will this save money on repairs, but it will help lower monthly energy bills too – far outweighing any initial investment required in buying one.
5. Decreased Hot Water
If you often run out of hot water when showering, washing laundry, or doing dishes, it may be time for a new tank. This issue could arise from sediment accumulation within your tank, requiring it to work harder than necessary in order to keep your water hot enough.
Your household might also outgrow its tank as your needs expand, such as with new bathrooms or babies joining the mix, placing strain on its heater and necessitating an upgrade or change such as switching to tankless systems.
Before undertaking any repairs or replacements on your own, it’s always advisable to call in a professional plumber first. They can assess whether it will be worth investing the effort necessary.