Going to work can always be a struggle. This is true even if you love your job. However, if you find that you are constantly stressed about work and that you dread going in then it may be time for you to leave your job. There are always several signs that you should leave but often many people find that they are comfortable knowing what to expect and so leaving seems much scarier than staying and gritting your way through it. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider leaving your job if you hate going to it.
A toxic work environment
This is one of the biggest reasons to leave a job. A toxic work environment can make it really difficult to enjoy work and to be truly productive in your employment. When your employer is employer creating a hostile environment then you may find that it is easier just to leave. It becomes very difficult to go to work if you no longer enjoy being there or socializing with the people you work with. Whilst you are there to work, you should also be able to enjoy the company of those you work with in the environment that you are in.
You lack passion for the job
If you are not waking up with excitement or energy for the day ahead then you may want to question whether you are in the right employment. Whilst you shouldn’t necessarily feel a strong sense of enthusiasm for work at all times, you should at least get motivated by some of your work. You should be able to interest other people in it when you talk about what you did and perhaps even get a sense of joy about starting and completing new projects. If you don’t have this feeling, then you may be in the wrong workplace.
Your health is declining
If you find that you are unable to look after yourself adequately, then you may need to change your career. You should not feel that work is taking up your entire life. You should be able to schedule both times for work and times to relax and socialize. One of the first signs that you are unable to do this comes in the form of your diet and exercise routine. Those who are unhappy or are feeling a lot of stress and anxiety will find that they are eating worse. If you are reaching for more chocolate and fried food without exercise, then perhaps you are too stressed from your job.
Your attitude
One of the first things you can notice is your attitude. If you have felt glummer then it may be down to your job. You may find yourself constantly complaining about it or that people are constantly asking if you are okay. This may be because you are exuding stress and unhappiness coming from your job.
Leaving your job
This is not a decision to be made quickly but it should be thought about if you are finding yourself more and more unhappy. Change is scary but it is better than staying in the same job that you hate just because you are familiar with it.