Mildew, large particles of dust, and mold are not only gross to find but also dangerous to your health, especially for people who suffer from asthma. A dirty air filter is just not good. Whether it’s for your air conditioning or your heating system in your home, it’s important to check filters and replace them on a regular basis. Often homeowners don’t know if they’re picking the right filter and may not know when to replace an air filter at all. This article will give you some insight on when to replace or adjust your air filters when they’re clogged or dirty.
It may be time to replace it altogether.
Sometimes it’s best to consider replacing the air filter from the beginning. A really dirty and clogged furnace filter can diminish the indoor air quality of your home, as it can trap dust, mold, and other pollutants that can cause sickness and grief. To better air filtration, consider a replacement filter. A new air filter can save you the trouble of finding ways to clean it and it can get the dirty filter out of your home.
Install a high-efficiency filter.
Your current furnace filter may not be the right air filter for your home. It could be minimum efficiency; it could be the wrong filter type and won’t provide the best performance for your needs. Look into purchasing a high-efficiency air filter for your home from companies like Brennan’s Heating and Air Conditioning, where air-conditioning engineers and HVAC specialists can help you find the right air filter. As a homeowner consulting a professional service can’t hurt.
To install the high-efficiency filter you bought by yourself, here are some steps to follow:
1. Locate the furnace filter; this is usually a cabinet-type space near or apart of your furnace.
2. Remove the old filter.
3. Install the new filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Close the furnace cabinet.
5. Restart the furnace.
It will take a while for the new filter to clean the air of your home but keeping up with replacing your filter at regular intervals can help keep your air clean at all times.
Before replacing, check the airflow of the furnace.
A good idea is to check the airflow of the furnace filter before you consider cleaning or replacing it. To check the filter, remove it from the furnace and check if you can see light passing through it or not. If you can’t see light passing through the filter, it is time to adjust or replace it. If you can still see light passing through the filter, then there’s no need to replace it and your furnace may be suffering from a different problem altogether.
You can clean it using a vacuum or air compressor.
If buying a new air filter isn’t currently in the cards for you, you can take steps to clean your furnace filter until you can afford a replacement air filter. One way is to use your vacuum, using the suction tube to draw the dust out to clean the existing filter. Another is to use an air compressor; this will blow all of the dust and dirt out of the filter and will require vacuuming the mess. This isn’t ideal, but it’s an available option until you can buy a good filter.
We all want cleaner air flowing through our homes so again, keeping up replacing the filters in your furnace and HVAC unit, in general, can help improve the efficiency of your heating system and keep your home and lungs free of unnecessary grief. Always consult with a professional before replacing your filter or cleaning it.