People who are not familiar with electrical engineering often don’t understand exactly what needs to be inspected when an electrician comes to inspect their home for safety problems. There are good reasons for this, because it is difficult to describe the visual inspection in words only. The best way to learn about the electrical safety inspection in Salem, OH is to join an electrician while they do one.
One common misconception of homeowners is that the purpose of the inspection is to determine if appliances are plugged in correctly, or if there are too many extension cords being used at once. This is not always true; sometimes there may be multiple different problems that can cause a problem that would set off a circuit breaker.
The best way to summarize the job of electrical inspector would be “to locate and identify possible problems and take necessary corrective action”.
As part of electrical safety inspection services, the inspector can discover many things that homeowners themselves might not be aware of, such as:
Exposed wire in the basement: This is a serious problem that should be investigated and corrected immediately. Exposed wire can cause several problems, including shorts in the wiring that create sparks and fires.
Bulbs that are burned out: A bulb could burn out if too much power is flowing through it, so only one light switch should control a bulb at any given time.
Extension cords: These should never be used as permanent wiring. They work for temporary situations such as parties or holiday events where people will be using more electricity than usual, but they should not be used for everyday lighting and appliances such as microwaves and dishwashers. For safety’s sake, extension cords need to be three-wire cords rather than two-wire cords because having the extra ground wire provides added protection against electrical shocks.
Do not use an extension cord with a hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, mixer or any other appliance that creates heat when in use.
Damaged wire insulation: This is another serious problem that can lead to fires and electrocution if the damage is bad enough. It does not take much for insulation on wiring to get nicked and begin to fray; it only requires normal wear and tear over time.
Wires like this should be repaired immediately because of their potential danger if left unrepaired.
Missing or loose faceplates on outlets: When something is plugged into the outlet, the faceplate needs to fit over top of it securely so that isn’t anything creating a gap between them. If the faceplate is missing, a small child may put their fingers into some exposed wiring or get electrocuted if they touch an exposed hot wire while touching anything that’s plugged in at the same time.
Light switches that are upside-down: This is not very dangerous, but it is good practice to have light switches turned on when the lights are actually “on”, and vice versa. Also, all switches should be labelled so people know what each control without having to mess with it first.
Many homes have problems with electrical safety because there are so many things for homeowners to look out for beyond just faulty appliances. Electrical inspectors must consider every possible situation, no matter how unlikely it might seem at first.
Making an electrical safety inspection is a serious matter that has the potential to affect every homeowner in Salem, OH, so it is important for homeowners to provide full cooperation to their inspector when they come out.
Damaged electrical cable insulation: Exposed insulation is a fire hazard and can cause shocks.
Overloaded circuits: This is a problem because the circuit might trip off, which would turn off power to everything else on that circuit as well as whatever caused the overload.
For example, if someone plugs too many things into extension cords or surge protectors at once, it could lead to an overload situation where those appliances would shut down until whoever plugged them in either unplugged some of them or called an electrician to have the circuit properly upgraded.
Extension cords and surge protectors should never be used under rugs for this reason; they pose a tripping hazard and could possibly cause overloading problems.
So what does it take to get an electrical safety inspection conducted? The best way for homeowners in Salem, OH to find out is to call and schedule an appointment with Cline Premier Services. We provide thorough inspections and will answer any questions about the process that our customers might have. Call 540-698-3860 for more information.