A public adjuster is an independent contractor. He is hired as a sort of buffer between the insurance company, which technically has the liability for damage done to the client’s property, and the client. The public adjuster works for the client and tries to get as much money from your insurance company as possible.
What do public adjusters do?
If you’ve been in a car accident or a storm or other hazard has damaged your home or business, you may be wondering whether to hire a public adjuster. However, before you make the decision, you should know what a public adjuster does and how they can help you.
Public adjusters are licensed by the state and are employed by the client to negotiate with the insurance company on their behalf. In some cases, they may also be able to handle the final payment of the claim on behalf of their clients.
Public adjusters work for commission only, which means they receive a percentage of whatever money they can recover for their clients through negotiations with insurers. You will find that some states limit how much a public adjuster can charge.
When should you hire a public adjuster?
If you have a claim for damages, you may be wondering when to hire a public adjuster. Here are a few times to consider it:
1) If the insurance company is dragging its feet about your claim.
2) If the insurance provider rejects your claim or makes an inadequate offer.
3) If the insurance company has already made an offer on your property, it doesn’t seem fair or adequate.
4) If you’re confused by all the paperwork and need help understanding what’s happening with your claim.
What should you expect from hiring a public adjuster?
One of the most important decisions is to hire a public adjuster. First, you want to be sure that you are choosing a company that is honest, reliable, and competent.
When you hire a public adjuster, they will begin working on your behalf by contacting your insurance company and negotiating the best settlement possible. They will do all this while keeping in touch with you throughout the process, so you know what is happening at every stage.
A public adjuster also represents your interests in court if necessary, saving you from hiring an attorney yourself. Public adjusters are experienced professionals who understand how insurance companies work. They can help ensure that your policy covers everything it needs so you can get back on your feet after losing your home or property.
Tips for hiring a public adjuster
Know what services they’ll provide
Find out what services they’ll provide. You want to make sure that the public adjuster you hire will be able to help you get the most compensation possible. Don’t use them if they don’t have experience with your type of claim.
Ask if they handle claims that are similar to yours
If you’re looking to hire a public adjuster, make sure they have experience handling claims similar to yours. A good public adjuster will have a lot of experience in many different fields, so they can help you get the most out of your claim.
Ask for references
If you’ve found an adjuster who seems like they might be a good fit for your needs, ask them if they have any references from past clients. This will give you an idea of what kind of work the public adjuster does, how long they’ve been doing it, and whether or not their clients were satisfied with the services provided. If an adjuster gives you names and numbers of former clients, contact them yourself and ask about their experience working with this particular person.
Check their credentials
A good sign of a trustworthy public adjuster has been licensed by the state where they practice. You can check this by searching your state’s website and searching for their licensing board or department. This is important since, for example, a South Florida public adjuster will have different laws to abide by than one in Louisiana.
It would be best if you also verified that they are licensed by the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA). This will help ensure that your adjuster has had proper training and understands all of the laws surrounding insurance claims in your state.
Look at their portfolio
A good public adjuster will have a portfolio full of examples of how they’ve helped people recover from disasters and get back on their feet again. Ask them if you don’t see any examples on their website. They must be able to show off their work for you to know if this is someone who can help you through this challenging time in your life.
Overall, a public adjuster remains an integral part of the insurance claims process and should be used to ensure you receive appropriate compensation for any damages. They do not guarantee any outcome but will work tirelessly on your behalf until a settlement or award is obtained for you.