Obesity is a medical condition in which the levels of bad cholesterol in the body get too high. This results in the person gaining weight leading to the accumulation of fats that cause several future troubles. Obesity is one of the very few disorders which also appear in combo with some other disorders. Most of us would have observed that a person who is suffering from obesity is suffering from multiple disorders simultaneously. This is not any coincidence but reality. Due to the piling of a layer of fats after a point in time, it starts affecting the functioning of other organs.Ā
For example, the bad cholesterol gets stuck on the opening of the pulmonary arteries. Hence, the proper amount of blood cannot pass through arteries and the needy organs receive less blood than required. Therefore, such organs work with low efficacy at a low potential which decreases the overall metabolism of the body. Obesity is also the reason why men take Vidalista 20 and Cenforce 100. The list of problems due to obesity are vast and, in this article, we would be discussing some of the diseases and possible solutions for the disorders.Ā
Erectile Dysfunction
ED or Erectile Dysfunction is the situation when men gain a reduced erection and hence, they cannot experience orgasm for longer durations. The either lasts for too little time or does not occur at all. Without desired erection dissatisfaction and frustration prevails in the relationship can lead to divorce and extramarital affairs.Ā
The main problem behind poor erection is the lack of blood supply in the penile region. And obesity is one of the main reasons why men today are suffering from ED. Due to obesity as we know the pulmonary arteries get blocked due to cholesterol. Thus, the organs do not receive an adequate amount of blood supply. And without a decent blood supply getting a good erection and proper stimulation is impossible.Ā
To get short-term relief people use pills like Fildena that ensure a heavy supply of blood into the penis by excessive smoothening of the erectile tissues by facilitating the secretion of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate).Ā
High blood pressure
The bad cholesterol present in excessive amounts in the body is dangerous because it is insoluble. So, it does not get broken down into simpler forms even after the action of digestive enzymes. Whereas good cholesterol is necessary for the body in small amounts and it gets broken down easily as well. Hence, due to the accumulation of a layer of bad cholesterol in the regions of the heart and on the pulmonary arteries, the heart pumps the blood but the organs donāt receive it.Ā
Hence, the heart pumps blood at a much faster rate to fulfill the requirement of the blood by the organs. Thus, the blood pressure rises and over time the person develops high blood pressure that leads to hypertension, cardiac disorders, low stamina, and pulmonary arterial hypertension or PAH.Ā
Apart from the combination of bread and butter, the second-best duo is obesity and diabetes. It almost goes hand in hand such that most obese patients also suffer from diabetes at the same time. The reason for diabetes is both genetic and artificial. During diabetes, the sugar level in the blood rises to extreme levels that can cause loss of eyesight, low thinking ability, poor metabolism, and even heart attack.Ā
Diabetes is one such disorder that cannot be eradicated completely. We can only control the sugar level from rising to higher levels for some time. For this diabetes patients are required to undergo daily medication or take insulin injections periodically because the body cannot produce insulin on its own.Ā
Possible solutions
Keep a check on diet
The most important aspect of getting rid of obesity is your diet. No matter how many hours you spend in the gym or how many weight loss pills you take if your diet is not okay every other parameter does not matter. Be conscious about the food you take, reduce the consumption of fast foods items and replace them with fibrous food items like green leafy vegetables, raw fruits, nuts, cereals, seafood, etc.Ā
Burn the calories
The next measure you need to take is to ensure the burning of the consumed calories. For better metabolism, exercise daily, go to a morning walk, do stretching, jogging, running, or such activities. This will burn the calories and prevent you from accumulating any kind of fat. The metabolism rate is also maintained along with stabilized blood pressure. Hence, the blood circulation is improved and every organ receives the amount needed which keeps the person energetic to hustle all throughout the day. The gut and the mind both remain happy which keeps the dopamine levels high that keeps the mood light and cheerful.Ā