If you’ve spent the expense of purchasing an item that is the Rolls Royce of the wigs: one with lace fronts or a complete lace wig, you do not wish to ruin the wig by making a mistake in its removal. Your skin will be grateful for it in the future! To ensure that your wig will stand through the years and is rewarded with reduced visits to the salon, take an hour after each use to ensure that you remove and put away your lace wig correctly. Whether you have got at part wig or u part human hair wigs, this article can be very helpful.
People make mistakes when taking off their Lace wigs
- The lace wig is pulled straight from their head
One of the most common mistakes that people make when they remove the lace front hair is to rush through the process, not remembering the sprays for removal and then peeling the coat straight off their head when the wig begins to fall. Because the lace front wigs are fixed at the front by glue (and for a complete hair lace wig around its all around), the adhesive should be gently removed from the wig and the skin to avoid any damage to either and to ensure that all glue is cleared and ready for subsequent applications. If you leave adhesive on the wig, it could cause problems with adhesion the following time and can cause damage to the stitching of the lace.
- Utilizing abrasive material to apply the adhesive remover, and then rub too hard
Another error is using abrasive substances to apply adhesive removers, such as paper towels or cotton. Both of these substances could damage the delicate edges of lace on the hd frontal wig and wig and be harmful to the skin because of the moving back and forth.
How do you remove from your front lace wig or complete hairpiece made of lace without damaging the rug or wig
You’ll require:
- Adhesive remover
- The cotton buds (q-tips) or small, soft brush
- Soap and water
- Wig stand
- Mirror
- Hair Clips (large ones)
Step 1
Cut the front of the lace or full hair of a lace frontal closure wig back to the face, then secure it to the crown. This should allow you to have an unobstructed glimpse of the lace seam. Ensure that the adhesive remover does not come to contact with hair.
Step 2
Use the adhesive removal product. There are two kinds of adhesive removers:
- Alcohol is a base
- Oil-based
Alcohol-based adhesive remover
The benefit of alcohol-based removers is that they are quick-acting and don’t leave a greasy residue on the surface or the hairpiece. However, they need to be applied with an abacus (q-tip) or a small soft brush (like the application brush for adhesive) because they can’t be applied directly to the face. The alcohol can also evaporate quickly, which is why some people rub their skin too hard to remove the adhesive before the alcohol-based remover has gone. It is also a problem for sensitive skin since it can dry out the face and lead to irritation.
The cotton bud should be soaked in the adhesive remover for lace wigs and placed on the lace seam around the edges. Let it sit for a few minutes until the stitching appears to fall away from the surface on its own. Once it has, apply the additional adhesive remover to the seam’s underside. Make sure that all edges are completely fully covered.