Many of us here in Australia do get the required 7 to 8 hours of sleep every single night that we supposedly need but many of us don’t know about the quality of that same sleep. If you invest in what is called a smart band then this can actually tell you about your sleep patterns during the night and can give you a better idea of if you are getting a proper night’s sleep or not. It is well known that you must get at least one hour of deep sleep every single night and more if possible. When you are in deep sleep, this gives your body the opportunity to repair itself from the happenings during the day and it is essential that this happens if you are to remain in good health.
If you’re finding that it takes forever for you to get to sleep and then you find yourself waking up two to three times during the night then you need to take action now before you start to experience issues with your physical and mental health. One of the first things that you should definitely invest in is brand-new quality bed sheets as these will dictate your level of comfort and they will help greatly when you put your head on your pillow to go to sleep for the night. Buying new bedding is just one tip and the following are some others.
- Set up a bedtime routine – If you get yourself into a regular routine before you go to bed then your body gets used to this happening and so it knows to prepare itself for sleep. You have no problem putting your kids to bed at a set bedtime but why is it that you don’t do exactly the same thing for yourself? You need to start setting a time when you will get into bed every single night and when you will wake up in the morning time.
- No technology before bed – Many people have gotten themselves into the nasty habit of surfing on their smartphones or watching television right before they want to go to sleep. This is not conducive to a good night’s sleep and you will not be getting any of the essential deep sleep that we talked about before. You need to stop using technology at least one hour before bedtime and if you want something to occupy your time then pick up a good book.
- Try to relax more – This is something that many of us do not do and so the only person that can create a relaxing time is you. Enjoy a hot shower before bedtime and many suggest eating a banana or having a warm cup of milk can help you to fall asleep quickly and easily. You need a clear mind when you close your eyes.
Follow these pieces of advice and you should get a proper night’s sleep every single time you put your head on the pillow.