It’s hard to find a person who hasn’t heard of TikTok. Now, this social media is one of the most popular all over the world.
At first, the video scrolling format was perceived skeptically by users, many people found this format uncomfortable after the usual Instagram. However, users slowly adapted and now TikTok is the most popular application to download! Let’s see how this popularity can be used for the benefit of your business.
So… If you have your own business and you want to develop it, where to start?
First, you need to choose the theme of your TikTok account. It is important to understand why and for whom you are making content. Write down on paper who is your audience, what are interested in, and what are watching, listening to, or reading in your free time? Define for yourself the general concept of the channel and try not to deviate much from it. We will immediately pay attention to the appearance of the account – in the profile header, specify the topic or nickname. In the description, tell us who you are and why you need to subscribe to you.
And, of course, pay attention to the account settings. Put a video, GIF, or photo on the avatar that reflects the idea of your profile. In the settings, transfer your profile to a PRO account to track channel statistics and select a topic.
Hashtag promotion is one of the most common ways to attract attention in TikTok. Specify the # of the topic in which you are running the channel. However, it is also worth noting popular tags, you can find them in a special tab. Try to choose the ones that fit your profile.
Activity and regularity
So that your blog does not “stagnate” and shines more often with other users, be active. Write comments, put hearts, and subscribe to other users. You can recruit subscribers with the help of grateful users who will subscribe in return.
Other social networks
Don’t underestimate the power of social media. Try sharing your tactics on other social networks, for example, in stories on Instagram. To do this, simply download your finished video from TikTok and upload it to Instagram. To download a video without a watermark, you can use the app Share a link or QR code to your TikTok and you will definitely have a rush of subscribers waiting for you!
Challenges in TikTok are a separate culture! Sometimes trending challenges capture the world of TikTok so much that it can be performed even by legendary stars who are far from social networks. Do not hesitate and use your creativity to the maximum by interpreting the challenges. This will definitely not go unnoticed by users.
Mutual support
You can find an account whose owner has gained as many subscribers like you. Offer him cooperation, mutual PR, and joint video. If the difference in subscribers is large, you can negotiate and pay extra.
Social networks with large reach have a great future for promotion! This article should have been useful not only for business owners but also for those who are taking their first steps in the field of SMM and taking budget projects. Also, novice bloggers should pay attention to such life hacks, because TikTok is a great platform for starting and gaining popularity quickly.