Just like cleaning the teeth, feet, and all the other parts of the body, ear cleaning is more like a hygiene ritual. But contrary to the belief, our ears do not need cleaning from the inside. Instead, they naturally clean themselves on their own.
However, the ear wax sometimes gets stuck, or the buildup gets really uncomfortable.
Removing ear wax can be a bit tricky in this case. Doing it wrong can actually damage and even rupture the eardrum. So here are some Dos and Don’ts for ear wax removal.
Dos – Removing Ear Wax
Clean Your Ear
Just because you can’t use a swab, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to clean your ear at all!
The outer ear does need regular – make it once a week – cleaning. You may use the swab or a piece of cloth but make sure to use it gently. Harsh scrubbing can lead to irritation and skin infection.
Visit Your Doctor
Visit your doctor regularly, but make sure never to delay treatment for ear troubles. The most common issues people face are wax blockage, temporary hearing loss, swelling, and pain around the ears.
Yes, it may seem tempting to try some simple home remedies, but these may harm the ear rather than do good.
So when you have an infection, visit your doctor ASAP. They have the right tools and inserts needed to flush out the stuck wax or other needed treatments.
Use Baby Oil
If the wax is making you uncomfortable, try putting in a few drops of baby oil inside the ear. Just massage the outer ear a little and let the oil stay in for a while. Now turn to the side and let it roll out.
This way, the wax will soften up and come out.
Take Warm Showers
When taking a shower, let the water go in your ears (though not too deep). It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but it will help break down and soften the wax buildup.
Don’ts – Removing Ear Wax
Using Q-tips or Cotton Swabs
Using cotton swabs has become like an idle time-pass thing. Just inserting it inside, letting it go in deep, to draw out the wax can actually be so satisfying!
But many people are still unaware of the cons of using cotton swabs for wax removal.
You’ll probably be surprised to learn that the Q-tips are made for cleaning the outer ear or pinna only.
It’s not meant to go in!
Here’s the damage it can do:
- It can push the ear wax deep inside, blocking the ear
- The swab can irritate the skin, causing infection
- Parts of the swab can come off, causing infection
So rethink putting ANYTHING inside your ear!
Ear Candles
You might have seen some videos or reviews about using the ear candle to take out the wax.
Well, that’s not going to work, and not to mention it’s quite dangerous. So don’t put yourself or your ear through that just as a trendy way to remove wax.
Applying Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a harmful toxic chemical. It may work as a cleaning agent and melt the wax, but it does more damage than good to sensitive ear skin.
Using an Ear Vacuum
Products like ear vacuums are strictly meant for use by a medical professional. Make sure you don’t insert anything inside the ear yourself. It can damage the hearing, and in case of any underlying issue with the eardrum, it just makes matters even worse.
Final Word
Our ears are very sensitive. So when it comes to ear health and hygiene, make sure you don’t ignore it. Clean regularly, but don’t experiment with it. We hope the above tips helped you gain perspective on removing ear wax safely.
Just remember in case of any pain, redness, or swelling, visit your doctor right away!