Basketball is a very popular sport that has garnered many fans over the past few decades. You only need three things to play basketball. It is enough to organize a simple playing field.

It can consist of paving stones, wood, concrete or rubber. The second most important things include either one or two basketball hoops and basketball. Last but not least, two teams for competing with one another. These are the simple requirements of any basketball game. It should also be noted that there are usually two different variations of a basketball game. The “normal” basketball (such as indoor basketball) and streetball. Take a look at the indoor basketballs. In streetball, fouls are usually not penalized as severely as in basketball and it is also possible to play on just one basket. We have now put together seven rules for a normal basketball game so that everything runs smoothly for your next game!
Rule # 1: The player structure
As mentioned above, two teams face each other in a basketball game. Each team consists of five players who are on the field at the same time. These five players are called the Starting Five.
They are divided into a center, two forwards and two guards. Since basketball is a flexible game, other constellations can also arise. However, it is possible for a team to have up to seven substitute players who can be substituted as often as required.
Rule # 2: The goal of the game
The goal of a basketball game is to throw the basketball into the opponent’s basketball hoop. This basket is positioned on the edge of the field at the height of 3.05 meters. The number of points varies depending on the position from which the ball is thrown into the basket.
You can easily remember the rules points. The team receives one point for a free throw and two for a normal throw. If the player is behind the three-point line, you get three points. The ultimate goal of the game is to score higher than the generic team.
Rule # 3: The playing time
A basketball game is divided into four quarters at FIBA. Each quarter has a playing time of ten minutes. Besides, things are different at the NBA, here a quarter takes a full twelve minutes. If both teams have the same number of points after the end of normal playing time, each team will be extended by five minutes. This goes on until a winner is determined.
Rule # 4: The time violations
In a basketball game, you will find different time rules that you have to adhere to, as they dictate exactly how long a player or team has time for their actions. The 24-second clock is of fundamental importance for attacks, as a team’s attack can only last a maximum of 24 seconds after the ball has been thrown in. If the ball touches the basket ring, the time is reset again if the opponent catches the ball. If the own team wins the ball again (offensive rebound), the attack is set to 14 seconds.
The eight-second rule states that after receiving the ball, a team must play it into the generic half within eight seconds. The five-second rule states that a player may only hold his ball for up to five seconds when throwing in. If a player is now guarded by another, he has three options. Either he continues dribbling the ball, or makes a pass, or tries to throw a basket.
If this rule is broken, the ball must be given to the opposing team. With the three-second rule, the defenders are given a maximum of three seconds in the opponent’s zone, regardless of whether they have the ball. However, this rule is rarely used in professional games.
Rule # 5: The rules of fouls
There are four types of fouls in basketball. These are, for example, personal fouls in which there is actual contact. These are defensive and offensive fouls. The second penalty point is technical fouls. These deal with disciplinary and technical errors, such as disregarding referees or slight verbal provocations.
Afterward, there are disqualifying fouls in the case of gross assault or strong insults. There are also unsportsmanlike fouls that are reflected, for example, in too hard contact without the ball, for example, being played. There is another variant, the so-called team fouls.
Here, after the 4th team foul in a quarter, the other player fouls are punished with two free throws, unless the foul committed was punished more severely. In general, however, the fouled player has the right to take the free throws.
Rule # 6: The punitive consequences
If a player or team commits a foul, this will be scored differently depending on the severity of the offense. If a player receives five personal or technical fouls, they will be excluded from the game.
If a player commits a disqualifying foul, e.g., physically assaulting the player, or if two unsportsmanlike fouls are committed during the game, the player will also be disqualified. That also means that he has to spend the rest of the game in the team dressing room.