Every owner of an online store is looking for ways to increase business. They are looking to make improvements that will bring in more traffic or by trying to offer sales and promotions to drum up more business. These are all great ways to increase revenue but there is one way that often gets ignored. Optimizing your site for a higher conversion rate is a great way to add revenue and profit while also working with what you already have.
Conversion rates are one of the most important metrics to pay attention to when you run an e-commerce site. When the rate is low it means that you are leaving a lot of money on the table. This means that by making some adjustments you can bring that number up and increase your revenue. In this article, we will go over several tips to help you achieve this.
1 – Improve your pictures
Shopping online is very visual and requires very good pictures. This is because people are not in a store where they can browse the shelves and see every product up close and personal. If your pictures are not good enough then you are not going to get people to add the product to their cart and checkout.
Look into using some apps like create.vista.com to help you remove the background on some of the product images to help make them pop. you should also do some editing to help the product look more lifelike to help people understand what it really looks like.
Take lots of pictures from many different angles so the customer can get a good look at every aspect. Often, the page is abandoned because they are not sure if the product is right for them since they weren’t seeing what they needed to see in the pictures.
This will improve your product page which will drive more people onto the checkout phase.
2 – Optimize the landing page
When you are running paid ads on either social media or Google, then you are likely directing people to a landing page on the website and not the product page itself. This is to help you increase conversions since it gives you an opportunity to use some content to paint a nice picture of what the product will do for you.
It is often the fault of a poorly designed landing page that is why conversions are low. When people land on the page, they need to be drawn in immediately and want to learn more. This involves a very good image that shows the viewer exactly what they expect to see. Then, the content needs to be concise and detailed so it is easily digestible. It should be clear within seconds that the product is going to solve their problem. Then they should want to read more so they understand that it is the right product for them.
At this point, there should be a bold call to action buttons that direct them on what to do next. It could be to sign up for an email list, fill in a form, or go to the purchase page directly where they can buy the product.
3 – Build an email list
If you don’t have an email list then you are leaving a lot of money on the table. When people are motivated to volunteer their email to give you access to their inbox then you need to take advantage.
When you run a promotion and let those on your list know about it then those are the people most likely to convert. They want to be marketed to you as long as you do things correctly. This means that you can’t just send out promotional emails all the time without adding any value. Make sure to send out helpful emails that give tips on how to use their product or other interesting facts.
After a few emails that provide value, you can then send out an email that promotes your product.
The best way to build the list is to offer a lead magnet that would be of interest to your audience. They will give you their email in exchange for the freebie you are offering but will stick around and not unsubscribe when you provide them with helpful information as well.
You’ll often have people unsubscribe but try to make sure to test your email marketing strategy so you end up with a campaign that keeps more subscribers.