Do you own a large plot of land? Maybe you have a home with a very large yard that you need to maintain. Perhaps you are a rancher with huge tracts of land for livestock to range. When you are responsible for maintaining the condition of a lot of acreage, it can be difficult and time-consuming because of the sheer size.
Maintaining and improving big chunks of land is not the same as taking care of a small lawn. There is much more work to be done and it takes more time to do regular maintenance. It is also a bigger investment to make improvements or upgrades to the property.
As the owner of a large plot of land, you need to know the best methods for maintaining and improving the property. Here are a few ideas for getting the most out of your acreage.
Invest in a Proper Mower
The larger your land, the bigger the need is for keeping it groomed. If you have acres and acres of space, and just a push mower to cut the grass, then you are severely under-equipped to maintain the property. For a large yard, a mid-sized riding mower should do the trick. However, if you own massive portions of land, then you may need to think about commercial mowers that can cut a lot of grass in a short amount of time. Otherwise, these maintenance chores could take an entire day.
Fix Damaged Patches
The more land you own, the more potential there is for damaged patches to occur. Whether it manifests as dead, brown grass or bare patches of dirt, taking care of these spots quickly is the best way to prevent the damage from spreading. Consider if the ground is getting enough moisture for the grass and other plants to survive. You may have to lay down some additional grass seed or fertilizer to encourage growth. To keep the number of damaged patches to a minimum, make sure you invest in proper care practices so that your land does not turn into an unattractive piece of property.
Make Aesthetic and Functional Upgrades
Whether your land is a large yard that comes with your house or a field for ranchers, making improvements that are aesthetically pleasing and functional is an important part of land ownership. You could add an outdoor living space for you and your family to enjoy, as well as any potential guests. Break up the vast expanse of land with beautiful stone walls or designed pathways. Build a fence using skid steer post drivers to ensure sturdy posts that do not split and are aesthetically pleasing. These features can be used for functional reasons, but will also improve the value of the property and its curb appeal.
Use Pesticide/Herbicide Wisely
With so much land, the potential for critters and invasive plants is very high. To protect the condition of the soil, grass, and livestock if you have it, you may need to invest in a decent amount of pesticide or herbicide to drive away harmful pests or weeds. The key is to find the right balance of these chemicals and ones that do not harm the environment. Use too much and you could do more harm than good. Use a low-quality product and it may not be effective at preventing damage to the land, plants, or animals that you own. Heavy research in this industry has led to the discovery of some very eco-friendly pesticides that you could invest in.
Use Your Resources Efficiently
Whether you are farming the land or just maintaining it as a nice yard, the size of the property will require efficient use of resources. It is very easy to use up too much water to keep the land from drying out or presenting bare patches. You will need to find creative ways to water and fertilize the soil to foster healthy growth without going overboard on spending money. Plenty of farmers and ranchers have discovered ways to care for their land by efficiently using resources, so research the subject to gain fresh insights into maintaining and improving your property.
Taking Care of Large Properties Takes Hard Work
If you are a new property owner who is responsible for many acres, or you are unsure of the best ways to maintain the land that you have owned for years, then you must understand that it takes a lot of work and care. You will need to invest in proper equipment in order to stay ahead of upkeep without having to spend hours and hours doing yard work. It will also be important to make improvements that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional upgrades. Proper herbicides/pesticides will be useful to protect your land, plants, or animals from harm, and the efficient use of resources like water and fertilizer will be necessary to avoid overspending on caring for your land. Be ready to work hard to take care of your large property and make sure you understand some best practices.