What is the educational process in any university? Usually, it consists of lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, competitions, tests, exams, practical training, and a Thesis Project. This is what the main structure looks like. In addition to the above, student conferences are also important. Of course, this is especially true for those students who want to work in science-related industries. During your studies, you need to attend such events and take part in them.
A scientific student conference is an educational event in the form of a meeting with the reading of reports and their subsequent discussion. It is conducted with the aim of attracting students to such activities and as a result finding solutions to current problems of scientific, state, and public importance. These scientific conferences can help students with their study in general, as well as with writing a Final Thesis report, or coursework. If students still have trouble with academic writing, they canĀ buy coursework.
There are different areas of scientific conferences:
- theoretical;
- technical information;
- practical.
The level of the event is also important:
- International;
- National;
- interregional;
- regional (regional, intra-university, and inter-university conferences).
At the same time, they differ in the form of participation (full-time and part-time, including online conferences), and in the frequency (annual and single-time).
Structure and stages of conferences
The organization of a student conference is no different from any other:
- a message to all interested parties about the topic, place, and time of the event;
- collection of abstracts;
- preparation of the program;
- printing a collection of materials;
Student conferences are distinguished by free participation and publication, as well as the period of holding which is mainly in the spring. The conference is held in the following stages:
- registration of participants and programs (order of speeches);
- opening with a speech by the organizers;
- work in sections (round tables);
- coffee breaks;
- excursions for visitors;
- publication of a collection of articles.
Participation in the conference and presentation is very similar to the Final Thesis project presentation
The participant chooses a topic, the projection which will interest not only him but also the audience. Next, it is necessary to determine the goals and objectives, to on out possible and available research methods. As you work, organize the available and still needed data. As a result, draw conclusions and prepare a report for the presentation. You can do this yourself, as well as by ordering both the writing of a scientific article and the design of a presentation for the report atĀ essayassistant.org.
While reading the report, you can use all available technical means to convey your idea to the audience, to present it correctly, and not to lose the audience’s attention.
Of course, you need to practice and be prepared for possible questions. They may be related to the topic of the report, or they may not relate to it at all. If you could not immediately answer the question, you can approach this person after the speech and talk to him.
Why you should try it
Participation in scientific student conferences will help you:
- structure and express your thoughts correctly;
- learn to use the scientific style in your work;
- learn how to independently process information and prepare a presentation;
- confidently answer questions and learn to insist on your opinion;
- learn not to be afraid of public speaking;
- enrich your experience and knowledge;
- make sure that you are studying in the right direction;
- make new friends and like-minded people;
- travel;
And the list goes on. Participation in such events can undoubtedly give good results, develop the necessary qualities and give an impetus to personal growth. And what is equally important, a student who is actively engaged in scientific activities, who is not afraid to discuss exciting topics, and has repeatedly succeeded at speeches, often comes to the attention ofĀ future employers.
If you decide to try yourself as a future scientist and a successful speaker, then 2021 is rich in suitable events. In the US, you will find at least 12 student conferences, including International, National, interuniversity, and interregional.
All the necessary information can be found on the relevant websites, we will give some of the planned conferences: the 23rd American Interuniversity Scientific and Technical Conference of Students and Postgraduates “Microelectronics and Informatics-2021”, the First scientific and practical conference on Analytical Psychology in Boston “Symbols of Transformation in the modern world”, the International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists” Hemingway-2021″, the XI International Student Scientific and Practical Conference” Student Science of the XXI century ” and many others.