Lighting fireworks on the Fourth of July, or New Year’s Eve, should be a fun experience that everyone can enjoy. But if you aren’t careful, you or someone you love could end up like the NFL’s Jason Pierre-Paul, who lost a portion of one of his hands in a firework accident in 2015.
Of course, these accidents can be avoided completely if you and everyone in your party simply know a few basic safety tips. And while some of these tips may seem obvious, others aren’t talked about as much and are rarely followed by firework enthusiasts.
In this article, we’ll break down seven firework safety tips that you and everyone enjoying fireworks with you should know. We’ll give you a helpful guide that you can follow to ensure that everyone has a wonderful time with fireworks this holiday season!
Now then, let’s get started!
Know Your Local Firework Laws
Next to an injury, getting a ticket or having to pay a fine is the last thing you want to happen when you’re lighting fireworks in your front yard. That’s why, before you purchase any fireworks, you need to make sure you know what is legal (and what it is not) in your area.
Finding something online, like this blog article, that breaks down what you’re allowed to do in your area is easy. All you have to do is Google the name of your city and “firework laws” to find a similar article for where you live.
Buy Brand-Name Fireworks Only
People are always looking for a way to make a quick buck. And in early July, as well as at the end of the year, some people will make their own fireworks and sell them illegally to unassuming customers.
The best way to avoid being sold a counterfeit firework is to only buy name-brand fireworks that are still in their packaging. Purchasing from reputable firework dealers is also a good idea, as it limits the chances of you being sold a product that could be harmful.
Stay on High Alert When Lighting Fireworks
It goes without saying, but fireworks aren’t something to be taken lightly. This is especially true if you’re someone who enjoys the bigger and thus more dangerous firework displays.
While it’s more than okay to partake in the fun, be sure to stay on high alert at all times. Know when someone is lighting a firework and make sure that you’re in a safe space so you can avoid injury.
Also, we recommend that you don’t mix heavy alcohol use with fireworks, especially if you plan on lighting them yourself. Doing this is a great way to end up in the emergency room, which of course would put a damper on your night.
Don’t Let Children Light Fireworks Alone
Again, fireworks are very dangerous, especially when handled improperly. That’s why it’s a good idea to prohibit your younger children from lighting fireworks outdoors by themselves.
If you do have children nearby, make sure they understand basic firework safety rules and protect themselves at all times. An accident is very easily avoided if everyone involved is smart and communicates well during the fun.
Don’t Hold Fireworks in Your Hands
For some fireworks, like Roman Candles, you may have the urge to hold them while they shoot off into the night sky. While this may seem like a good idea, especially if you’ve done it in the past, we don’t recommend it for a multitude of reasons.
The chances of you injuring yourself when holding a lit firework in your hand increases. It also sets a bad example for any younger members of your party, which of course isn’t what you want to do.
Keep Your Pets Safe Indoors
If you’re outside lighting fireworks, there’s a good chance that your pets don’t want to be anywhere near you. But on the off chance that you have a more adventurous fluffy friend, we suggest that you keep your pets indoors during the show so they stay safe.
If at all possible, picking an area to light your fireworks that is away from any pets is a good idea. But if you can’t, most dogs and cats, in particular, don’t enjoy fireworks and will gladly stay indoors until the night is over.
Light Your Fireworks in a Safe Area
To piggyback off of that last point, it’s important to pick a safe and open area to light your fireworks in. A space that is away from pets, as well as cars and houses, works the best and allows you to have a bit more fun with the experience.
Areas on the beach, or in open fields, are without a doubt the best places to light fireworks. These areas also give you clear views of the night sky, which makes the viewing experience that much better when lighting larger fireworks.
If you do decide that your yard is the best space for you, be sure to light your fireworks when they’re facing away from your home. Moving all cars nearby is a good idea, too, as is alerting your closest neighbors beforehand.
Firework Safety Tips for the Holiday Season
Well, there you have it! That those areĀ sevenĀ firework safety tips that you and everyone in your party need to know and follow!
Remember, treating fireworks as the serious threat that they are is extremely important. Failure to do so could lead to you, or someone you know, ending up in the hospital one holiday evening.
Looking for more ways to stay safe and healthy? Check out our blog!