Sadly, car accidents are a common occurrence; a traffic report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration stated that in the year 2019 alone, 4.4 million people in the United States were directly affected by road accidents.
Causes of Car Accidents
Accidents are a nuisance. When they happen, you are most likely going to be left with injuries, car repairs, and even a significant increase in your insurance premium. Safe driving goes a long way toward ensuring that you do not become part of a statistic that records an average of 1.3 million people dying in car crashes each year in the United States.
A car accident law firm can explain all the causes and ways to prevent these accidents from happening. These traffic accident triggers may seem readily apparent at times, but they serve as warnings of what to look for.
The following are seven tips on how to avoid car accidents:
1. Avoid Distracted Driving
In the United States, distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents. This includes anything that pulls your attention from the road. Because of all the technological advancements, we have seen, especially when it comes to all things cell phone-related, such as texting, switching through songs, and making phone calls while driving, we get distracted now more than ever.
Eating food, aiding toddlers in the rear, and dropping objects on the floor are all examples of distractions.
2. Avoid Speeding
Road signs exist for a reason. Speed limit signs, in particular, are meant to guide you on how fast or slow you should go on any given road. There are many reasons for speed-regulating signals, traffic, uneven roads, and sharp turns. The speed at which you drive directly impacts the reaction time you have available if something terrible happens.
3. Avoid Drunk Driving
Drinking impairs judgment and the capacity to concentrate on tasks. Driving requires undivided attention to the road, and drinking decreases that ability, making it extremely dangerous. Even though accidents caused by drunk drivers are preventable, they still happen daily.
Always ensure that you have a designated driver or a taxi cab any time you indulge in a few drinks.
4. Avoid Tailgating
Impatient drivers who drive in close proximity to other cars leave insufficient driver reaction time, especially when the vehicle ahead of them suddenly brakes. Every ten miles per hour you drive should have you always allowing a car length between vehicles in traffic.
When a motorist dangerously tailgates another automobile at high speeds and is unable to stop when the brake lights turn on, a fatal accident can occur.
5. Invest in Proper Car Care
A broken light can prevent other cars from seeing where you’re turning; a grimy windshield can impair vision; worn tires can hamper mobility, and so on. If you fail to service your car or perform simple repairs, it may result in accidents and major damage if left unattended.
To guarantee that your vehicle is in good condition for the road, get a tune-up, clean your car, rotate your tires, and complete all your auto care on a regular basis.
6. Avoid Road Rage
Being angry at other drivers happens to many drivers across the country. Other drivers not using their turn signals or driving too slowly can cause some drivers road rage, making them choose unwise decisions; this can be very costly as it takes only a split second for a collision to happen.
7. Train for poor weather conditions.
How confident you feel when driving on dry pavement does not matter; it’s best to avoid driving in bad weather conditions, especially if you do not have much experience. Please keep it simple at first, and get as much supervised practice driving in adverse weather conditions as you can before trying it on your own.
Ensure Safe Practices on the Road
It all boils down to how much effort you put into road safety. Little things like always wearing your seat belt and avoiding driving at night or when it’s raining can go a long way in safeguarding your life and the lives of those you love.