Nowadays, due to the pandemic and many other reasons like the evolution of technology and communication, the request for home care or medical transportation from emergency services companies are growing exponentially.
Companies offering medical services for emergencies, house call doctors or private ambulances are a huge success right now, and very requested all around the globe, because of the sanitary collapse in most countries.
Most of these companies have their own private ambulance fleet, and a highly-trained multidisciplinary team of professionals to give you the best medical care 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
A perfect example of one of the best medical companies is Excelan, a medical clinic in Marbella which is highly recognized for their excellent service in urgent and emergency care, ambulance and home doctor services.
Excelan Private Clinic
Excelan is a private medical clinic in Marbella which offers to cover your medical needs (whichever they are) wherever you are. This is a very experienced clinic, with tailored medical services available 24/7 just a call away.
They provide all kinds of ambulance services; like taking patients to the hospital, transfers between different hospitals (even if it is abroad, whether it was scheduled or an emergency transport), local transports for medical appointments, and many other situations that may need the assistance of an ambulance.
Not only, they provide the service whenever and wherever you need it, they also provide the best of the services there are available in the market, with a fleet of the latest model ambulances Mercedes Benz with the best equipment and the latest technology in the market at your disposal. Their ambulances have a hydro-pneumatic bench system, to absorb the vibration or movements during the patient’s transportation, which is excellent for delicate patients or pregnant women. They offer fast and effective responses 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with a multilingual expert team, ready to get to you without delays.
However, one of the most essential features that characterizes this company, is the human touch. Everyone in the medical crew provide the best personal care, both nurses and doctors will look after you so you can feel protected.
They also offer laboratory genetic tests, medical check-ups, clinical analysis, and the application of the latest health advances in the world of medicine.
Public services
These services are operated by the state. The fund comes partly from taxes and contributions citizens pay. Each area has its own public services and they rarely serve outside their domain. In fact, the services and facilities provided by public ambulances are limited and have some defined terms of operation. Although they cost slightly less, they are not available for every person’s needs, unless it is an emergency. Therefore, their limitations sometimes necessitate the need for private ambulance services.
Private services
Private ambulances belong to private companies that work with reserve. This means that the patient must bear the cost of reserving a private ambulance and providing the necessary facilities (or whatever they reserve). Since they are independent bodies, the services they offer are quite flexible and often more convenient. This is the only option some delicate patients have to travel from their home to the hospital, or vice versa, when they are ill or getting a certain treatment.
Advantages of private services over public services
There are many situations where private services are more favorable than the public services; for example, public ambulance services are only used for emergencies. When a person or patient is in need of a transfer by ambulance, but there is no real emergency, they will have to request the service of a private one.
Public ambulances have their specific regions of service and can take the patient to nearby hospitals and generally do not offer you any choice as to which hospital or clinic you want to go to. So if you are receiving your treatment from a preferable hospital, which is outside the working area of āālocal ambulance services, then private ambulance services are your only option.
Patients who are not in the condition to go to a medical facility on their own or who have no one who can go with them and provide the required support may need to call private ambulance services.