No one aims to deliberately damage his laptop to keep it from working in the right way. However, it pays to know how you can keep your device working in a good condition. This will help you make sure that your laptop keeps working in the best condition for as long as possible.
Since we mostly carry our laptops around as compared to regular computers (which stay in one location), laptops are more likely to break. In this article, we will discuss some mistakes which can effectively ruin your laptop over time. These mistakes can break your laptop before you even know what’s going on.
Not Cleaning Your Laptop Properly
The processors used in computers and laptops have become way more efficient lately. That’s why the temperatures have dropped in laptops in recent years. However, laptops still get overheated when they are stressed. So, you need to be careful when using your laptop under stressful conditions.
This is the main reason why manufacturers use fans in laptops to keep them cool. Moreover, the fan vents must be kept clean if you want your machine to work properly. If dust gets accumulated in the fan vent, the internal heat of your laptop won’t be able to escape. Heat accumulation inside your laptop can cause its internal components to overheat, and this can do lots of damage to your machine.
Fortunately, some laptops will reach this overheating condition, and will shut down to keep the internal components healthy. However, some laptops won’t react, and will slowly get heated to death.
Placing your laptop on soft surfaces, like carpets and clothes can block the vent, and can cause overheating. That’s why when placing your laptop on any surface, try your best to provide the vent with a clear path to operate normally. Anything blocking the event of your laptop can damage it severely.
In addition to all the surfaces and materials, dust can also build up inside the rent of your laptop over time and can cause it to start overheating. So, if you have a years-old laptop, and have never cleaned it, it might be a good time to open it and take all the dust away.
The best way to see how your laptop’s fan is operating is by listening to its sound. If The fan is making too much noise, this might indicate a problem that needs to be corrected as soon as possible.
Mishandling Your Laptop
If you want to break your laptop as soon as possible, try picking it up from the corner of its screen with one hand. This can cause the screen of any laptop to break unexpectedly. While there are various affordable Macbook screen repairs options available these days, you should avoid breaking it in the first place by using it properly.
If you want to grab your laptop, try picking it up from the front or back after closing it completely. Ideally, you should use both hands to pick up the laptop from any surface. However, in order to pick up and open the laptop, you should use both of your hands to pick it up from the sides.
This especially applies if your laptop has an optical drive for CDs. You should also use a level space to place your laptop for work. This way, you can keep your laptop safe from bending in the long run.
Some laptops are built strongly, while others can easily get broken, and especially MacBooks are usually susceptible to breaking if you mishandle them. If you try to pick your laptop up by grabbing the screen, it will put lots of pressure on the screen, and can even break the laptop. So, if you have just interested in a good laptop and want to use it for a long time to come, avoid mishandling it.
Not Using The Disk Drive Properly
Most Of the modern laptops have an SSD for data storage. SSDs are famous for not having any internal moving parts, and can thus handle motion way better than other components that move.
But, on the other hand, the majority of old laptops still contain mechanical hard drives. These drives have lots of different moving parts, and cannot take lots of motion. Mechanical hard disk drives have a read/write head which must move properly in accordance with the desk below it to write down the data in a perfect way. If any of the moving parts of a mechanical hard drive get damaged, the hard drive can stop functioning, and all of your data might get lost. So, you should avoid moving your laptop too much when using it, especially if it has an HDD. Moving the laptop too much can cause the hard drive to fail, and you can lose your data.
Not Managing The Cords Properly
Not managing the cords of your laptop properly can also cause it to fail, all can at least make itself difficult to use for you. Why is used to charge your laptop or fragile, and they can pose a serious electrocution risk if you are not careful enough when placing them around.
You might have the general perception that power cords are always strong, and are built to take lots of abuse. However, this is not always the case when laptops are concerned. That is because laptop manufacturers make the power cords thin and lightweight to make them easily manageable on the go. This usually comes at a cost of the durability of the cords.
Many people try to wrap up their laptop’s power cord on another object in order to keep it managed. The object can damage the power cord if it has sharp edges.
So, to avoid this issue, you should try to bundle up the cord over itself. You should avoid using even plastic to wrap up the code in order to manage it. You can also invest in a Velcro tie to manage your cord in the best way possible on a day-to-day basis.