The mobility difficulties that occur from medical conditions, due to old age, and sometimes from birth can disrupt both the physical and emotional well-being of a person. The mobility problems limit the people to engage in day to day activities and decrease the performance level. Even though some people are used to this condition, some are not. Moving physically around the home, visiting family and friends, going to work, engaging in sports, tripping is basic activities that one does in a day. Imagine, the difficulty of a life that needs physical aid to engage in the above activities. It can lead to increasing isolation, anxiety, depression, and a high level of stress. So, the time has come to see an ending for this problem.
It’s a known fact that an appropriate wheelchair benefits physical health and reduce the monotonous nature of life as you can use it to go wherever you need. Luckily, the availability of stair climbers has made life easier. It makes you less worry about not having to go upstairs in any place. Gladly, you can choose an appropriate and suitable alternative from stair climber suppliers. If you wonder what exactly a stair climber is, it’s certain equipment that you can fix to the wheelchair. It helps you to overcome staircases with less effort.
- Scalamobil stair climber
As stairs area major challenge faced by wheelchair users and their caregivers, a Scalamobil stair climber can be introduced as a solution to it. This product aids you to climb stairs by fixing it to the wheelchair. The fixing process takes less than a minute and the caregiver can control the speed and direction of the wheels. As the machine does the heavy lifting, neither the occupantin the wheelchair nor the caregiver feels uncomfortable. The Scalamobil stair climber will take you up or down to 300 staircases in one go. You can use private places as it does not cause any other uses of the staircase. As this product is dismantlable, it will not be an issue to take this wherever you go. Another most important things that you should know before using Scalamobil stair climber are that the person who is being moved should not weigh more than 120kg. If you’re on the hunt to choose a stair climber this would be a great selection.
- Roby stair climber
The Roby stair climber is another product that you can choose to use when the elevator, lift is not working in a building. There are instances that the wheelchair occupants and caregivers have faced lots of difficulties when an elevator is not working properly. It’s not fair when they have to return because of technical issues of elevators without meeting their requirements. Until you get to use a stair climber, this issue will remain the same. So, the Roby stair climber so far has aided lots of wheelchair occupants to overcome staircases. It accommodates a wide assortment of wheelchair sizes and contains adjustable clips which aid you to attach properly to the wheelchair. There no reason to worry about the safety of the wheelchair occupant as this product moves a person in a natural, upright position. Roby stair climber has a steering bar where the control panel is located. The caregiver can use the control panel to give direction commands, emergency stop, and slope indicator command. This product is one of the most comfortable ways to climb stairs without having unnecessary moves. It’s possible to increase the speed of the wheels up to 5 meters per minute with no juddering. In addition to that, as the machine is operated by batteries, the caregiver does not need to pull or push the wheels. It’s working on its own.
It’s no doubt that the wheelchair occupants and caregivers must be happy to use a stair climber as it makes their lives easier. They are no longer limited to, travel only on flat, smooth surfaces. These worthy products not only support you to overcome the staircase challenges but also reduces the stress and pressure that you get when you have to climb a staircase with a malfunctioning elevator. Simply, these devices improve the quality of your life.