Requirements Engineering is an activity that is closely related to Requirements Development. Basically Requirements Development can be translated as steps in gathering all the requirements needed in the system. Basically, Requirements Development is Requirements Engineering itself but it is translated in main steps. The steps will be explained in the following paragraphs.
To note, Requirements Development is one of the important steps in the Systems Engineering Process. There are at least 6 steps of basic needs development that are absolutely immutable. Basically all models are almost similar in approach and they may differ only graphically.
6 Steps of Requirements Development
Step 1: Collect, analyze and develop requirements
For the first step, we have to collect, analyze and develop requirements and these three activities should be based on the Operation Concept, needs of each stakeholder involved, project objectives and various external requirements. Once all requirements are documented, they are prioritized and possibly tailored to the needs of each stakeholder.
Step 2: Write functional requirements in appropriate documents
Next we need to write down the functional and performance requirements into the appropriate documents. Usually the documents in question are Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Initial Capability Documents (ICD), Capabilities Development Documents (CDD), and System Requirements Documents (SRD). Documentation is intended to build the system and manage changes that may occur in the future. There is one particular tool that can help a lot, Capability Development Tracking and Manager (CDTM).
Step 3: Check all completeness
The third step is carried out by checking all completeness including all system functions required by all stakeholders. Inspections should also be adapted to related performance, environmental, and various non-functional requirements.
Step 4: Analyze, check and repair if necessary
Requirements Analysis is a step that cannot be ignored in any systems engineering because it is necessary to check every requirement that has been collected with the aim of seeing whether each of them meets the applicable standards. Documentation of these requirements is done in the so-called Weapon System Specification (WSS).
Step 5: Verify and Validate
Step 5 is characterized by two main activities; verification and validation. Verification and validation is the last filter to ensure that all the requirements that have been collected and approved are correct.
Step 6: Manage all requirements
This final step is to manage all the requirements received in the baseline that have been agreed by all stakeholders. Any changes that may occur can be controlled by the so-called Configuration Management process.
Are there still further steps?
Of course there are but they are more adaptable to the changes that may occur. There is one further step that is usually taken by all stakeholders. This step is Functional Analysis and Allocation. It is actually a top-down process to translate all the system level requirements that have been compiled through the above 6 steps. The result is a stable architecture that can be defined in terms of general system requirements, thus traceable to every function involved (every function in the system).