The pricing table plays a very important role for the website that sells any types of services, packages, or so on. Pricing table usually helps the users to choose the perfect service for them. Also, when the price is well-designed, it becomes so easier for the user to decide what to purchase.
If people can see a clear pricing table on your website, then you are most likely going to get more customers. Nowadays, you can easily create a pricing table template by using an elementor pricing table widget. Elementor is a very common and popular web developing website that offers various types of convenient and useful pricing table features.
In this following writing, we will learn a step-by-step process on how to build a pricing table template by using elementor. So, keep reading the entire writing. It will explain how to build pricing table template using elementor.
Building pricing table template with Elementor:
When you need to design a user-friendly pricing table for your websites, it requires so much creative work and usability. But when you work with the Elemnetor pricing table widget, it will help you with some amazing and impressive features. By using those features and options, you can easily create your own pricing table template without any extra work.
So, a step by step process to create a pricing table template by using the elementor is given in the following:
Step 1: Add the pricing table element:
First of all, in order to build a price table template, you need to go to the WordPress website. They login to the WordPress dashboard. You will find some price table widgets, select and add according to your preference. Then you will find a button called ‘Edit with Elementor,’ press that button. Now in the elementor edition, you need to drag and place the element in the right place.
Step 2: Customize the content section:
After done with step 1, you need to head over to the customization step. In this step, you can customize the header, title, footer, price section, and many more. First of all, you need to customize your header with big font. Then you can choose your preferred icon, title, and font for your table.
The next thing you need to customize is the price section. This is one of the most important sections. Because this will display the price of your service or product. You can change the currency symbol from this section. If you want to offer any discount to your customer, then you can enable a discount option too.
Then you need to customize the feature option. You can explain it in this feature optionwhat kinds of service and feature that will you offer to your customer. You can list your item with different fonts and colors. If you want, you can also change and customize the background color too.
Step 3: Highlight the text:
Suppose you want to highlight any selected option. You can select the ribbon section then. Afterward, you will find so many features that will allow you to highlight your text. Even when you offer a discount to your customer, you should highlight it in the first place. In that case, the ribbon section can help you a lot. The ribbon option will also allow you to adjust the alignment for your highlighted text.
When you are done with the highlighting section, you need to move on to the footer option then. This option or feature is also known as the call-to-action button. For example: Call now, text now, buy now. Even you can edit the text with a different link or any additional text.
Step 4: Customize your content with the Style tab:
After setting all the layouts for your pricing table, you can customize your pricing table content with different styles. You will find a tab called the ‘style’ tab. You can choose and pick from that option according to your preference. You can give your content different background colors and different border types.
Similarly, you can style the footer, pricing, section with different features. If you want to change the text color or any animated text, then you can style from the option. In the style setting, you will also find different typography for your pricing table.
The bottom line:
If you are a beginner, then all these things may seem a little bit difficult for you, but you can simply follow all the above-mentioned steps in order to create your own pricing table template. If you need new ideas about pricing table widgets, then you can find them online.
A pricing table widget is really a fantastic tool for your business website. It will give a boost to your service. So, try to put your best when you create your price table template. Hopefully, from this above writing, you have understood how to build pricing table template using Elementor.