Every parent wants what is best for their child, and sometimes there is nothing harder than trying to persuade a child to eat healthily. Childhood obesity is still a major concern, and while it is nice to give your kids treats every now and then, a healthy and balanced diet is vital if they are to grow up strong and hopefully avoid serious health issues.
Food for thought
In a study from 2019, it was reported that childhood obesity had doubled in young children and actually tripled in adolescents in the previous thirty years. This is simply staggering, and it leaves the most recent figures for adolescents (12-19 years) at 20.6 percent, school children (6-11 years) at 18.4 percent, and pre-school children (aged 2-5 years) at 13.9 percent. These figures are pretty damning as it shows that with the fast-paced modern lifestyle, people are taking the easy option and giving their children quick and easy processed food or just allowing them to snack and eat sugary treats more often than they should. Poor nutrition can lead to an alarming number of serious health conditions, with diabetes and high blood pressure serving as two of the key ones. There is also a considerable risk of heart disease and strokes if action is not taken quickly to counteract these health issues, as your children will almost certainly appreciate it in the long run.
How to correct it
There are a number of ways to cope with dietary issues, and the Harvard School of Public Health published the theory of a healthy eating plate. It serves as a graphical guide to help children to understand how a healthy and balanced plate of food should look. The theory indicates that a plate should be split into three sections, with the largest section being reserved for fruit and vegetables, while the other half of the plate should be split into two for the protein and starchy or carbohydrate parts of a meal. By giving children this, they are more likely to comprehend how what they eat can affect them in their daily life, whether it is energy for exercising or just reducing their sugar intake in the hope they can avoid the perils of diabetes. LUN Level Up Nutrition can help with this, offering guidance on how to get the most out of your meals and maximizing the nutritional content of what you and your children are putting into your bodies. Sometimes a bit of guidance is all that is needed to give you that push to make some overdue lifestyle changes.
To conclude
While there are many ways to encourage your child to eat more healthily, these are more like suggestions that can help you get off to a good start. Hard work is required to maintain it. There will be difficulties as children tend to like to push the limit to see what they can get away with. Just be persistent as although it might not seem like it immediately, they will appreciate it when they get older. Just be patient.