At some point, most people bump up against poor leaders. These are leaders who generate no confidence in their peers or subordinates. They rarely achieve their goals or facilitate others achieving their goals.
Many people also encounter an influential leader along the way. These people seemingly create success out of thin air and get the best from everyone around them. Most people think that they want to become that kind of leader, yet struggle when given leadership positions.
While there is no magic formula for influential leadership, you can become a more influential leader. Keep reading to learn how.
What Is an Influential Leader?
There is a deep divide between management and leadership. Managers direct others toward goals, often through direct orders. While a necessary element in any organization, it’s routinely met with grudging acceptance.
Influential leaders rarely hand out orders. Instead, they inspire action in others.
Just as importantly, they command a great deal of personalty loyalty from others. This comes out of cultivating legitimate trust in peers and subordinates. That trust stems from a belief in the competence of the leader and clear indications that the leader expects no more from others than they expect from themselves.
Qualities of an Influential Leader
There are many qualities that make for an influential leader. A few common traits you find among the best leaders include:
- Passion
- Humility
- Decisiveness
Of course, influential leadership goes deeper than just good leadership. Influential leaders go beyond these basic qualities.
They must exude confidence and a certain level of charisma. Influential leaders seek ways they can empower others. They also model good behaviors through persistent personal development.
How to Be an Influential Leader?
Of course, that leaves most people wondering how to be influential leaders. You can work on building the qualities of influential leadership. Find ways that you can help others achieve their goals without simply commanding actions.
Build trust by remaining humble and giving credit to others for their successes and ideas. Let others see your work on your personal or professional development. For example, you read relevant books or magazines while you eat lunch.
If you still struggle with influential leadership, you can also seek out an expert advisor course. These can help you identify and shore up weak spots in your leadership.
Finding the Influential Leader in You
Finding the influential leader in you starts with identifying leaders you respected. Odds are good that all of them shared some common qualities that appealed to you, such as humility and confidence.
Work on developing those qualities in yourself. Also, remember that no one begins as an influential leader. You develop into one over time.
It’s also not a path you must walk on your own. You can take courses on leadership or seek out a mentor who can help guide you. If you already hold a leadership position, ask your subordinates for feedback on how you can improve and take their responses to heart.
Looking for more tips and advice on leadership? You’ll find some in our Business area on this site.