If anyone thinks that building muscle is not possible with plant protein powder, then they don’t fully understand what plant protein is. Plant-based powder is just as good as whey protein supplements for muscle growth. Even athletes are switching to plant protein as it is cleaner and safer than whey protein. Plant protein is amazing for health. By including different sources of the best plant-based protein powder in the diet, growing muscle is certainly possible. This article will help you to understand how consuming plant protein helps to grow muscle.
What is Plant-based Protein
Plant protein is simply protein derived from plant sources. Not only are plant proteins excellent sources of protein, but they also offer additional nutrients including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Generally, consumption of fiber is typically too low but can increase by including foods high in plant proteins like pulses, peas, and nuts in your diet.
Why is it important to the body?
Protein is a vital nutrient responsible for the body’s growth, maintenance, and repair. Essentially, protein is crucial to the basic structure of our body. So, eating high-quality protein every day to keep our bodies healthy is a must.
There are 9 essential amino acids, and a protein source containing all of these is called a ‘complete’ protein.
Sources of Plant Protein
- Soy protein – one of the most efficient and bioavailable sources of plant-based protein is soy protein. Soy protein includes naturally occurring sources of amino acids like glutamine. Glutamine is great for healing and encouraging muscle growth without harming the body’s system.
- Pea protein – Pea protein is a specially formulated protein made from legumes high in vegetables, like peas, but the fiber and carbohydrates are removed during manufacture. Pea protein is not complete, so it needs to be consumed with another high-quality protein source to get all the essential amino acids.
- Brown rice protein – Brown rice is an excellent source of protein. Brown rice has 5g of protein per cup. Brown rice is rich in magnesium and fiber, which aids in controlling blood sugar. Brown rice contains a significant number of antioxidants that can help the body fight off harmful free radicals and reduce inflammation. Brown rice is preferred over white rice for weight management, low BMI, and smaller hips and waist measurements.
- Seeds – Seeds have recently piqued the interest of people from all over the world due to their numerous advantages. A wonderful strategy to increase your protein intake is to eat 1-2 various types of nuts and 1 scoop of any roasted seed per day. One ounce (28 g) of flax seeds contains around 5 g of protein, one ounce of hemp seeds contains about 8 g, and one ounce of pumpkin seeds contains about 7 g of protein. After soaking, you can eat them by including them in smoothies or any other beverage.
Plant Protein Powder for Muscle Growth
Growing muscle with plant protein may seem difficult initially, but if you plan the following things, it can be done.
Source of Protein – as discussed in the article, not all plant-based protein sources are complete sources of protein. Some plant protein lacks all the essential amino acids. In the case of building muscle with plant protein supplements, it is important to check the protein sources. A combination of pea and brown rice protein is an excellent combination of plant protein.
Quality of protein – it is important to consume high-quality plant protein to achieve the muscle gain you desire. There are plenty of plant protein powders on the market. Not all of them offer the same benefits. Some of the key factors that determine the quality are
- Protein Source – ideally, a plant-based protein supplement should have a blend of protein sources to provide maximum benefits.
- Amino acids content – essential amino acids including branched-chain amino acids like leucine, isoleucine, and valine are vital for muscle growth; hence having a good amount of amino acids is important.
- Texture and digestibility – it is vital that protein gets dissolved completely and is easy to digest without causing any bloating.
Daily protein intake – it is important to track daily protein content as the body needs enough protein for muscle growth. The body needs 0.8-1 gm of protein per day. Choose a veg protein powder that provides the maximum amount of protein as per your need. Plant protein supplement helps to fulfill any gaps in the diet.
It is definitely possible to grow muscle with plant-based protein. It is important to consume high-quality plant-based protein and be consistent with the workouts. There are some great vegan protein powders in India. Incorporating these supplements into your post workout diet is the ideal way to build lean muscles and improve strength.