Can part-time training and short-time work be combined?
A combination of part-time training allowance and short-time work is only possible if an ongoing part-time training program already existed at the beginning of the short-time work, as employees in part-time training are not excluded from short-time work. Furthermore, a minimum working time of 10 hours per week applies to the part-time training allowance. When it comes to further continuing education, numerous options are available online, such as medical tutors at StudyMind, visit here to register.
Current information on educational leave
New regulations for educational leave that began before corona-related restrictions in training and further education:
- An extension of the maximum duration of further training allowance (12 months within 4 years) is possible if an apprenticeship (e.g. accounting examination, mandatory internship) could not be completed as planned due to Corona. Corresponding confirmations must be submitted to the AMS.
- There is also an entitlement to further training allowance if the required weekly level of education (20 or 16 teaching units) has demonstrably been undershot due to corona.
- An educational leave interrupted due to Corona can be continued, even if the employee was temporarily unemployed during the interruption and was later hired again by the same employer.
- Furthermore, the educational leave can be continued as an exception if there are only less than two months remaining after the corona-related interruption.
- These special regulations apply from March 16, 2020 to December 31, 2024.
- Educational leave can also be agreed after a phase of short-time work. There is no disadvantage when calculating the training allowance.
Current information on the skilled worker grant
If an apprenticeship (e.g. nursing assistant, foreman school, college) cannot be completed at the originally planned time due to Corona, then an extension of the VKS reference is possible. Corresponding confirmations must be submitted to the AMS.
The maximum subscription period is 3 years.This special regulation applies from March 16, 2020 to December 31, 2024.
How will my training and courses continue in February?
Events in presence for the necessary professional education and training of adults allowed. The same applies to integration measures under the Integration Act and to final professional examinations. Degree-oriented measures are also part of vocational education and training. For example: courses for vocational matriculation exams, compulsory schooling, university entrance exams, basic education or AMS courses.
Measures are required if they lead to reviews or cannot be postponed. If there are vocational training purposes, the exit regulation from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. does not apply. In accommodation establishments, overnight stays and meals are still possible with training from legally recognized institutions. Accommodation needs for professional reasons or for training purposes should be maintained.
In principle, the distance regulation and the mask requirement apply to training and further education. If, due to the nature of the situation, the minimum distance or the wearing of mouth and nose protection cannot be maintained, the risk of infection must be minimized by other suitable protective measures. Participants must also wear mouth and nose protection when they are seated.
For vocational training and further education, provided that the protective measures are observed, no participant restrictions and no obligation to notify the district administrative authority are prescribed. Sports and exercise courses are only possible outdoors if they are not in physical contact.
Are periods of short-time working counted towards the required 4 years of employment subject to unemployment insurance as a prerequisite for receiving a specialist grant?
Yes. Periods of short-time work are periods subject to unemployment insurance and are taken into account.
Apprentices and Corona: That should be noted!
What’s next in the vocational schools?
From December 7, 2020, all apprentices who are in their final year of training and are thus in the final year will be given full face-to-face lessons at the vocational schools.
Apprentices from other years of apprenticeship or classes can, however, be brought to face-to-face lessons at the vocational school location in accordance with the school and boarding organizational framework, taking into account the necessary hygiene regulations, whereby a maximum of 25% of all students in the other classes may be at the school location at the same time. How the situation is in the respective vocational school is communicated by the responsible vocational school or can be inquired about there.
The location-independent lessons (distance learning) are completed as before in the form of a self-dependent learning and work process of the apprentices from home, which is actively designed and accompanied by the teachers. This means that compulsory vocational schooling is also fulfilled.
Lessons that cannot be carried out in non-location-based lessons can be postponed and rescheduled or blocked at another point in the teaching year / assessment period. In this context, it is also possible to bring students to the school location from December 7th to December 30th, 2020 for attendance phases in order to hold these teaching units.
If an exception is made for non-location tuition for individual classes or groups in the period from December 7th to December 23rd, 2020, accommodation in boarding schools can also take place – if necessary. The hygiene regulations defined by the BMBWF must be observed. It must be ensured that encounters in everyday boarding school and in common rooms are reduced to the absolutely necessary extent.
Is there also short-time work for apprentices?
Yes, that has now been expressly regulated. During this time, you will even continue to receive the full apprentice salary. This will not extend your apprenticeship period. So you can complete your training at the scheduled time.
If you work in a company that is now important – such as a bakery or grocery store – if your company decides on Corona short-time work, this also applies to you.
What does short-time work mean for apprentices?
As part of short-time work, apprentices continue to receive 100% of their apprenticeship remuneration on the contractual key date. The company in turn receives funding from the AMS to compensate for this. The apprentice’s working hours can be reduced in short-time work. The apprentice’s working hours must be between 30 and 80 percent of normal working hours. The company must pay the apprenticeship wages, regardless of whether they have already received the short-time work allowance from the AMS.
How long can apprentices go to KUA?
With the third phase of the Corona-KUA from October 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, the short-time working option for apprentices will be extended for a further six months.
- Phase 1: From March to June 2020
- Phase 2: From June to the end of September 2020
- Phase 3: From October 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021
What about wage increases during short-time work?
If the collectively agreed apprenticeship wages are increased during short-time work, the apprenticeship wages of apprentices on short-time work also rise. The same applies to the transition to a new apprenticeship year and to successful completion of the LAP (final apprenticeship examination). This represents an important trade union success, because this was not the case in the short-time working phase 1.
What special regulations apply to apprentices?
In principle, KUA is only allowed for apprentices if the training is guaranteed. 50 percent of the working hours reduced as a result of short-time work must be compensated for by training or job-related measures.
In the period from November 3rd to November 31st, 2020, short-time working is possible for apprentices even without training measures!!
What are training or job-related measures?
The training of apprentices is based on the job description, which indicates which competencies and skills are to be acquired in which apprenticeship year. The measures in the context of short-time work must match the apprentice’s job description.
What can these measures look like?
External courses can be attended to compensate for apprentices’ downtime and to ensure training, i.e. content that the company should convey is brought closer in external courses.
Example: An apprentice should get to know corporate accounting. This can also take the form of a course at a commercial academy or at an adult education institute (e.g. BFI, WIFI etc.).
Can the company arrange a vacation for me because of the short-time work?
Before or during short-time work, your employer can ask you to use up your old vacation.
Can I work from home as an apprentice?
Only in exceptional cases: Home office is generally not included in the training. Because apprentices or trainees should be trained in the company. There is also a duty of supervision on the part of the employer. If, in exceptional cases, it is compatible with the educational nature of the apprenticeship and your level of training, your company can conclude an agreement with you about working in the home office.
Can the employer send me home?
In such a case it is best to ask AK and the union. You have the right to training in the company and there is an obligation to train under the age of 18. In principle, however, the employer is free to forego the presence of the workforce.
Legally, it is usually a case of paid leave of absence. In this case, as an apprentice, you could terminate your apprenticeship due to “non-training”. But we advise against that in the current situation. The corona crisis is an exceptional situation for everyone.
I’m doing training and I’m in quarantine. Do I get my apprentice compensation?
- In the case of quarantine without illness, the instructor must continue to pay the apprentice’s income and receive a reimbursement of costs.
- In the event of a quarantine with corona disease, the instructor must also continue to pay the apprentice’s income and receive a subsidy for continued payment from the AUVA.
- In the event of sick leave (due to Corona or another illness), you are entitled to the full apprenticeship income for up to 8 weeks and partial remuneration for a further 4 weeks.
What happens to the final apprenticeship exams?
Since May 4th, tests have been carried out under strict safety and hygiene standards. The respective examination management will contact all already registered examination candidates directly.
My appointment for the final apprenticeship examination has been postponed, so I am waiting longer for my salary as a specialist.