Some skills are better than others for leveling in Old School Runescape.
In Old School Runescape, there are several skills for you to utilize. Some are very efficient for earning OSRS gold, whilst others can give you the edge in battle. Today we will be taking a look at what the fastest skills are for you to level up to 99.
The Construction skill is a quick skill for you to level. However, if you want to take advantage of the quickest way to level up, you may need to look for OSRS gold for sale. It will cost you a lot of OSRS GP, but it is one of the quicker skills in the game.
The fastest way to getting to 99 is firstly to make crude wooden chairs. You can do this for the first 19 levels, before moving onto oak chairs to get to level 33. This process will take roughly an hour, after which you can spend another hour making oak larders to get to level 52. From here to 99, you can make mahogany tables for a total of 22 hours, though you could switch to gnome benches at level 77 to shave a few hours off.
You can get your Cooking skill up to level 99 in around 22 hours. This will cost you around 20M OSRS GP, so hopefully, It shouldn’t be necessary to purchase OSRS gold for it. This is done by making jugs of wine, though you’ll stop making bad wines when you reach 68. So if you’re looking to save OSRS gold, then you can switch to cooking tuna or lobsters to 68 instead, then go-to wines to 99. This will take a bit longer but only costs 10M OSRS gold.
With Prayer, you are leveling a skill that is one of the fastest in the game. In fact, it is the second-fastest to level out of all of the skills in OSRS. It also provides you with a method of earning huge rates of XP. You can offer bones at a chaos altar or lit gilded altar to get the XP you’re looking for.
Consuming Dagannoth bones is the quickest way to reach level 99. Use this strategy until you reach level70, at which point you can start using better dragon bones. This technique will take you to level 99 in just 10 hours. There are other viable choices as well, such as the hydra bones. Using the Wilderness Chaos Altar you can cut the price in half. Wyrm bones are also another great option if you are looking to save OSRS GP.
If you want to use Magic, then you can use passive methods such as magic imbue, teleports, and even slayer. The quickest way of leveling is using enchanting bolts, which can take you to level 70 in a mere three hours. When you unlock enchanting dragonstone bolts, use them to get to 99 in around 38 hours. This method shouldn’t cost too much OSRS gold either.
The fastest skill that you can level in the game is Fletching. The best way is fletching darts since it’s the fastest method to use, as opposed to cutting bows. With the mouse keys, you can even take around 9M XP per hour with dragon darts as well.
To get to 99 quickly, start off with bronze arrows. Make your way through the arrows to dragon darts to get to 99 for 120M OSRS GP. There have been YouTubers that have managed to max out Fletching in just over three hours. Mithril darts are a good way to save OSRS gold. If you are determined to save as much gold as possible, you can always try cutting bows. From 1 to 99, you can do short bows and longbows, though it will take you 80 hours to reach 99 instead. However, the mithril darts method will take you just seven hours to get to 99. This will cost you 51M OSRS GP.
So as you can see, there are a few skills in the game that are much quicker for you to level up than others. The methods that you use often depend on the amount of OSRS gold you are willing to spend. This will have an effect on just how quickly you can get your levels up. With the relevant amounts of OSRS GP, you could actually find yourself leveling skills very quickly indeed. They are viable ways for getting your skills up, despite their expense. Not the kind of expense that you would spend on a Twisted Bow perhaps, but in some cases, you may want to buy OSRS gold.
Have you tried these fastest methods to level in OSRS? Please share your thoughts in the comments box below.
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