Elden Ring is an Open world RPG filled with hundreds of bosses that you can slay while exploring the vast dark world. Beginners have no idea which bosses or areas are optional and which are part of the main quests, and they waste time doing unworthy things.
To avoid such situations, here is the walkthrough of Elden Ring that you can follow to finish the main path in no time. You may need buy Elden Ring Runes to make your journey easy and avoid grinding. Elden Ring needs a lot of explanation, and it is easy to get lost, especially if you don’t know what to do. Below is the walkthrough guide of some of the most beneficial locations on the map.
Chapel of Anticipation
When you play Elden Ring for the first time, you have to select a character. After you select the desired character, you will start at the Chapel of anticipation on the game map. There is not much to do inside the Chapel, so head outside and go to the boss arena by heading down the steps. The first boss of Elden Ring, called the Grafted Scion, appears in the boss arena.
Unlike how RPGs work, you are supposed to die in your first encounter with a boss but defeating him isn’t totally impossible. Some pro players have defeated him and got some good experience points, but they have to die to continue with the game at the end. When you respawn in Elden Ring, you will start at the stranded graveyard in the limgrave region.
You start in a dark cave in Limgrave, and you have the option to go to a deeper cave which is also known as the cave of knowledge. For exiting the cave, use the lift next to the stranded graveyard. There is an optional dungeon that you can tackle after reaching a high level to defeat monsters easily. The first main quest of the Limgrave region requires you to become the Elden lord by going to the Great Erdtree.
Mountaintops of the Giants
Mountaintops of the giants are pretty big in terms of area, but you can take the alternative route to reach the freezing lake. Follow the linear path near the bridge and get past giants to reach the lake. Players with bad luck will have to fight the Borealis monster in the fog, while lucky players can avoid this encounter by sneaking around to reach the first church of Marika.
When you reach the forge of giants from the mountains, you will find the fire giant boss, which is a pretty hard boss if you go unprepared. You can avoid this monster by going to castle sol and fighting another monster known as commander Niall. He is a hard boss, but you can’t avoid him, especially if you want to defeat Malenia afterward.
Elden Throne and the Erdtree
After you defeat Maliketh, you will automatically reach Leyndell in the Ashen capital. Go to the foot of the burning Erdtree from the respawn location but be prepared as this path is filled with a large number of bosses. Some of these bosses can be avoided, but you have to fight with the majority of them to reach your destination. Below are the monsters that you can’t avoid in this area.
- Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing
- Warrior, First Elden Lord/Hoarah Loux, Godfrey
- Radagon of the Golden Order
- Elden Beast
Try to dodge all attacks as you won’t be able to regenerate health between these fights. These fights are difficult if you are short on flasks or stack them before setting on your adventure.
Caelid is a disease-struck land, and you won’t have to spend too much time here if everything goes according to plan. To reach here, you need to follow the main path in the direction of the Redmane castle. There is an ongoing festival at the castle, and you have the option to take part in it.
You can also fight the Starscourge Radahn to get your hands on a rune that is required for activation of the Divine tower of Caelid. If you want, you can spend some more time here doing some side activities, but these are totally options, and you can move forward if you want.
Altus Plateau
Altus Plateau is a beautiful chunk of Elden Ring map, and you can discover a lot of new things here. Pro players use this plateau to access other areas as there is not much to do here other than exploration. You can alternatively go to Minor Erdtree for optional content.
Mt Gelmir
To reach Gelmir, you have to follow the northwest path from the Altus Plateau, and it is a smaller area compared to other areas on the map. Avoid meeting with the NPC near the Gelmir campsite as he can push you down the river and instead go straight to the Ninth campsite by continuing along the bridge.
Leyndell, Royal Capital
To reach Leyndell, you need to travel to the outer wall and specifically to its northeastern side. You will find the draconic tree sentinel, which you have to defeat to proceed forward. After defeating him, continue to the capital, and you will have at least two great runes when you reach there. You have to fight at least two of the below-mentioned and to get two great runes.
- sGodrick (Limgrave)
- Rennala (Liurnia)
- Radahn (Caelid)
- Rykard (Mt Gelmir)
Liurnia of the Lakes
This area features the Academy of Raya Lucaria when you reach there after defeating the Godrick monster. Go in the left direction from Liurnia and head down to reach the shore of the lake. You need the Glintstone key for the Academy quest. Carian Knight moongrum is located at the top of a building.
You actually have to fight two monsters here, and the second one is Queen of the full moon, also known as Rennala. She is known for dropping some pretty good runes, but you can buy runes from Mmopixel to avoid her.