Pilates is a revolutionary fitness system created by Joseph Pilates, the son of a gymnast, who gradually developed ‘contrology’. This was a series of exercises designed to develop the body and mind with controlled movements; Pilates improves flexibility, builds strength and stamina, while the exercises can be adjusted to suit a beginner or advanced level practitioner. Such is the popularity of Pilates in the US, there are tens of thousands of Pilates instructors, working with individuals and groups, helping them to enjoy this unique discipline.
What Do I need?
If you are fit and healthy and like to learn, that’s really all you need. Search online for the leading US Pilates training institution, (visit their website here) and check out the range of online courses on offer. You can enroll in the 10721NAT Pilates IV Matwork and Reformer, which certifies you to instruct Pilates, which can be completed with a distance learning program where you are mentored by professionals.
Globally Recognized Certification
It is obviously important that the qualifications you receive are internationally accepted and when you graduate, there’s nothing to stop you from applying for a job at an exotic resort in Thailand or Bali. Pilates is practiced the world over and that means you can choose where you live and work. Many instructors have online classes, which have been very popular since the pandemic, and that allows you to plan your life around your work.
Aspects of the Training
The online courses teach you how to:
- Assess a person’s physical fitness levels.
- Master the controlled movements.
- Gain a deep understanding of physical anatomy.
- Monitor student progress.
- Design an exercise plan.
When you are an enrolled student, you have your own personal mentor; someone who you can talk to at any time, plus there are lots of learning resources that you can access. Online learning is fun and with industry professionals in your corner, you are assured of success and a new life awaits. Click here for tips on distance learning, which will come in handy.
When you are looking at institutions, take the time to read student reviews, as this is a good indication of what to expect. Google Reviews offer accurate feedback and find out the percentage of graduates that find work as Pilates instructors, which should be somewhere in the 90% range. You can talk to people who are now working as Pilates instructors and ask them about their experiences at the institution and if you apply yourself 100%, you will get much more than instructor certification.
Range of Payment Options
Whether you wish to pay everything up front, or would rather spread the payments, the Pilates Institution has a range of payment options to make things convenient. When you are ready, you can talk to an experienced instructor about the process and when you register, you will be given a list of coursebooks to purchase, along with a reformer, which is an essential piece of equipment.
As a Pilates instructor, you will be helping your students to become competent practitioners of this unique system of exercises; those who study to become instructors develop a love of Pilates and we should all be working in a profession we love.