Do you or someone you know struggle with alcohol addiction?
One way to convince yourself that you don’t need to depend on alcohol is to learn the negative effects it has on your body when not consumed in moderation.
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a variety of health issues from simple things like dehydration to more complex problems like cancer.
Here are eight facts about alcoholism you should be aware of.
1. Cause of Dehydration
If you don’t drink water while you drink alcohol, dehydration can set in quickly. Water is essential to keep your body functioning properly. When dehydrated, you may have a harder time making sound decisions, moving, and paying attention.
Additionally, increased urination when you drink can lead to loss of electrolytes which can contribute to hangovers and nausea.
2. Weakened Immune System
An alcohol addict typically has a weaker immune system than a sober person. This is because alcohol makes it hard for your organs to defend your body from disease. This can lead to increased infection rates.
3. Leads to Liver Disease
When you drink, your liver is tasked with filtering out the toxins you’re consuming before they can spread to the rest of your body. If you abuse alcohol, your liver may become inflamed or scarred, leading to liver disease, fatty liver, or liver cancer.
4. Leads to Cardiovascular Disease
While you drink, alcohol can increase your heart rate and blood pressure. Over time, a high intake of alcohol can cause irregular heartbeat, blood clots, heart attacks, and even strokes.
5. Could Lead to Cancer
Several types of cancer have been linked to alcoholism because alcohol is a known carcinogen. Liver, breast, head and neck, esophageal, and colorectal cancer can all be caused by alcohol consumption. The more you drink, the higher your chances are of suffering from one of these types of cancer.
6. Negative Effects on Fetus
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) occurs when a pregnant woman drinks more than she should while pregnant. Problems caused by FAS can vary, but may include irreversible brain damage, growth problems, and nervous system abnormalities.
Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to a miscarriage or stillbirth.
7. Poor Social Life
Dependency on alcohol can lead to strained relationships, both personal and professional. When you spend your days drinking, you may begin to find yourself ignoring family and work.
Alcohol dependency can make you forget about these important obligations, making friends worry about you and causing you to lose your job.
8. Help Is a Phone Call Away
Alcohol treatment can be as easy as making a phone call. Whether you’re calling for yourself or someone else, support is available at all times and conversations with operators are confidential.
For example, this addiction hotline will listen to your story, answer questions, and help you discover steps you can take toward treating your addiction.
Treating Alcoholism
You can get help for alcoholism, and because of these concerns, alcohol addiction has to be taken seriously. Being an alcoholic has many drawbacks, but a sober life awaits you if you get the help you need.
Be sure to check back regularly for more health advice!