There can be a lot of pressure on date nights because they’re universally known to be important for a lot of couples. That doesn’t mean that you have to feel pressure regarding your own date night plans, however; you should always aim for what works best for you and your partner and what you want to gain out of a special date night together.
Here are six important ideas when organizing a successful date night.
1. Plan Ahead
Date night planning doesn’t have to be rushed. There’s no deadline for planning the perfect night, so don’t fret about planning something impulsively in a short space of time. Even if you’re planning a few weeks ahead, discussing it openly with your partner and knowing you have that specific date to look forward to together can be a great feeling of mutual positivity — especially if you’ve had such busy schedules recently.
Make sure that you always think ahead to what you would like to do. If it’s a surprise, plan accordingly. If you want to openly discuss it, start sharing some ideas.
2.Stock Up On Supplies
There’ll always be certain items that you can splurge on to make your night that little bit more special. Maybe it’s spending a little more on dinner than you usually do, or maybe it’s treating yourselves to a delicious dessert if you usually try and hold back. Think about everything that you would like to include in your night and be sure to get it ahead of time.
In the romance department, you may want to think about extras for relaxation, perhaps bath bombs for a hot bath together, a new outfit that makes you feel great, or intimate items like massage oil from Wicked Wandas.
3.Don’t Put Too Much Pressure On It
When you really force a date night, you’re not going to enjoy it. There’s nothing wrong with needing to reschedule or admitting that you’re not feeling up to it. A date night shouldn’t feel like an obligation and it should be when you both feel at your best.
4.Turn Off Your Technology
It’s an opportunity to truly be together without distraction. You don’t want your phone going off every two seconds or notifications popping up on any smart devices. Truly switch off from any external disturbances and concentrate on each other.
5.Spend The Night At Home
Date nights don’t have to be big nights out. If you enjoy a simple night spent at home where you have the freedom and the privacy to spend quality time together, a night at home can still be the perfect date night.
6.You Don’t Need to Spend a Fortune
Date night isn’t about how much you can spend, the amazing things you can buy, or the luxuries you don’t usually have in order to celebrate. It’s simply about quality and designated time together. By all means, go for a dinner or a night out if that’s what you’d really love to do, but don’t feel obligated to spend a lot of money or buy extras like extortionate foods or drink. It’s more about the time spent together.