For government agencies, secure data storage is a priority that cannot be ignored. Whilst it may be possible to make compromises in other areas in order to save money, this is not normally the case as far as data storage is concerned. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to find a cost-effective storage solution that is both cheaper and more efficient than your existing one. With competitively priced cloud storage in Australia, you can actually save money without compromising on the quality of your data storage solution. With a carefully planned migration to a cloud platform, you can make improvements in all areas, without having to increase your annual IT spending.
5 reasons to move to a cloud storage solution now
If you have yet to seriously consider moving your data offsite, to a secure cloud storage facility, consider the following 5 reasons why you might want to migrate your data sooner rather than later.
- Cost – While there is no guarantee that you will save money simply by migrating your data to the Cloud, if you plan your migration well, it should be possible to reduce your future running costs significantly. Some organizations find their costs actually increase when moving to the Cloud but this is normally due to poor planning and mismanagement of resources. A well-managed cloud storage facility should allow you to lower costs whilst improving the quality of your data storage solution at the same time.
- Data redundancy – Data redundancy refers to a situation where identifying information is stored in more than one physical location. It is the cornerstone on which all effective data backup and recovery strategies are built and a key benefit of cloud storage solutions. With a reputable cloud service provider, you won’t have to worry about making manual backups of important data anymore: all of your data will already be backed up in real-time.
- Improved cooperation – When people from multiple departments are working together on the same project and using a legacy IT system, data availability and consistency problems often arise. With a cloud storage solution, however, sharing data between geographically diverse team members is simple itself. The very nature of cloud platforms means that data can be accessed and saved by many different people without encountering any issues as far as accessibility and version control are concerned.
- More time for innovation – A major benefit of cloud computing, which is often overlooked, is the extra time it provides your IT team. With basic maintenance, configuration, and upgrade tasks being handled by your cloud service provider, your IT specialists will be able to devote more time and energy to developing innovative new solutions that lead to efficiency improvements and cost savings.
- The environment – Another cloud computing benefit that doesn’t receive as much attention as it should is energy efficiency. Economies of scale make cloud platforms more environmentally friendly than their legacy system counterparts. With the right cloud storage solution, your organization could reduce its carbon footprint whilst increasing the standard of service it provides to citizens and partners.
If you would like to reap the benefits that cloud storage solutions in Australia have to offer, you should seriously consider planning your migration now. Government agencies that fail to make the move to the Cloud could find themselves lagging behind in terms of QoS in the future.