The movement to become more environmentally friendly has grown substantially in the last 5-10 years, as more people have begun to recycle and attempt to reduce their carbon footprint. Of course, they could use some help along the way. Therefore, we will explore some options you can make for your business, to support your consumers in creating eco-friendly habits.
Use recycled packaging
Forget about one-time plastics and non-recyclable materials, and pledge to only use recycled paper, cardboard, etc. in your packaging. Not only does this lower the amount of waste that you contribute to landfills, but these types of materials also have a lower chemical content that lowers your emissions.
Try to encourage your consumers to recycle your packaging after use, in order to maintain the chain of recycled materials. Clearly display on the packaging that it is eco-friendly, and inform your consumers of how to dispose of it in the correct manner.
Reduce air pollution
As it stands at the moment, 4 in 10 Americans(135 million people) breathe polluted air every day where they live. This contributes to a slew of health problems.
We all know that transport is a major contributor to air pollution; however, transport is a vital aspect of many businesses. So what can be done?
Your business can choose to procure local suppliers, raw materials, etc. in order to reduce the need for long-distance transport. You can also reduce the number of shipments you make within your own business if possible – filling the transport vehicles with more product and shipping less often.
If possible, you could also make the switch to hybrid or electric vehicles and encourage your suppliers to do the same.
Choose eco-friendly suppliers
It is not enough that you practice environmentally friendly production habits if your suppliers do not adhere to the same basic eco principles. Try to choose suppliers who provide recycled packaging, have pledged to reduce their transport emissions, use solar panels to reduce their energy consumption, or have made other eco-friendly choices within their business. You could even outline what you expect from your suppliers in terms of environmental efforts and have them sign a contract to that effect.
Know more about Nereus London – Environmentally friendly shampoo.
If your current suppliers are not “green” enough, there is no need to throw them to the curb. Rather, try to influence their habits and encourage them to make environmentally friendly choices – even if they start small through a company-wide recycling scheme. Every little step helps and leads to greater changes in the long run.
Give back
There are many environmental causes that require funding in order to achieve their objectives. Perhaps your company could pledge to donate a certain amount of its sales to a certain cause.
Of course, you should make consumers aware of this, through advertising and informational packaging, as this will allow them to make an informed choice to contribute to an environmental initiative. You may even find that some consumers switch to your brand, in an effort to donate to the greater environmental good.
There are so many little changes you can make to your production, in order to start the process of becoming more environmentally friendly. Encourage not only your company, but also your consumers, to actively participate in these changes, and create a “green team”.