Every day in the United States, almost 30 people die in alcohol-related car accidents. Drugs other than alcohol play a role in around 16% of car crashes.
Drivers with BAC of over 0.10 are 7 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than sober drivers. Plus, the annual cost of alcohol-related crashes costs more than $44 billion per year.
Whether you were under the influence or not, you must know what steps to take immediately following a DUI accident. Keep reading to learn 3 essential steps to follow if you’re involved in a DUI accident.
1. Call 911 and Seek Medical Attention
If you’re involved in an alcohol or drug-related car or truck accident, the first thing you should do is make sure that you’re safe. Pull your car out of the road if you can and remain safe from other traffic.
Regardless of how minor you think the accident is, call 911 right away. Adrenalin and endorphin get released after trauma, so you may not realize you’re hurt until hours or days after a crash.
Plus, it’s crucial for police officers to gather details from the accident and create an accident report. Down the road, the accident report is essential should you choose to file a negligence lawsuit against another driver.
If you can wait to see a doctor until the scene clears and gather evidence, then opt to go after you leave the scene. If you’re visibly or physically hurt, don’t hesitate to go to the emergency room or straight to see your doctor.
When you seek medical attention, be sure to describe your accident in detail, so they know to check for unforeseen injuries.
2. Gather Information and Don’t Make Any Statements
It’s essential to gather the other driver’s personal information, such as:
- Full name
- Phone number
- Driver’s license number
- License plate number
- Insurance information
- Address
If there are any witnesses, collect their information as well, including names and phone numbers. They could significantly help your case down the road.
Record as many details about the accident’s location, too, such as cross streets, how the accident happened, where the cars ended up on the road, and stop light or stop sign details.
Take photographs of any vehicles involved, property damage, and any injuries. Make sure that when you take vehicle photos, you get photos with the license plate numbers, too.
Whether you believe the accident was your fault or not, don’t admit fault or make any statements at the scene of the accident. It’s important to discuss what happened with your lawyer and wait for a police report to better determine fault.
Likewise, when you call your insurance company to report the accident, don’t make any official statements. Wait until you speak with your accident attorney before making any statements.
3. Call a DUI Attorney and Keep up With Appointments
If you were injured or affected by a car crash resulting from alcohol or drugs, you could be eligible for compensation. However, it’s important to work with an experienced car accident lawyer to ensure you make all the right steps and stay up to date on all your paperwork.
If you were hurt, it’s important not to miss any medical appointments and to follow your doctor’s instructions. A seasoned DUI lawyer will use as much information and evidence as possible to make your case. While you might be tempted to accept an initial offer from an insurance company, a lawyer will better accommodate your future expenses and any pain and suffering by asking for the compensation you deserve.
If you were at fault for the DUI accident, it’s just as important to get an accident attorney’s help. It might be that while you are at fault, you aren’t the only one. A lawyer will make sure no stone gets left unturned, and your charges, if any, get eliminated or reduced as much as possible.
What to Look for in a DUI Attorney
If you’re facing DUI charges or if you were involved in a DUI-related accident, you must seek advice from an accident attorney.
A DUI conviction can significantly impact your life, which is why it’s important to have an experienced lawyer on your side to help minimize any consequences. Plus, there may be details of the accident which get overlooked without the help of an attorney.
If you’ve been a victim of alcohol or drug-impaired driving, it’s important to get reimbursed for medical expenses, missed work, and pain and suffering. An accident lawyer will ensure you get what you deserve.
Here are some things to look for in a car accident lawyer:
- A good track record in court
- An ethical record with no history of malpractice
- Extensive DUI knowledge and case experience
- Confident
- Local
- Excellent communication skills
If you were involved in a semi-truck DUI accident, make sure that you only look for truck accident lawyers. These accidents often pose unique challenges and require legal counsel experienced in truck accidents.
Remain Calm and Take the Necessary Steps After a DUI Accident
Whether it’s a minor fender bender or a big crash, car accidents are stressful and can have significant negative impacts on one’s life. A DUI accident often comes with complications, so it’s so important to hire an accident lawyer to help every step of the way.
A DUI accident lawyer will communicate on your behalf with insurance companies, explore all the evidence, talk to witnesses, and do everything they can to get your charges reduced or get you the compensation you deserve.
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