Do you want to learn how to catch more fish from the shore? Would you like to learn how to fish from the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds, and stream like professionals? In this article, we will discuss how to successfully fish from the shore and catch a lot of fish.
1. Do Research
Do your homework about the types of fish that are in the river you want to catch. Gather information about what they feed on and the kinds of structures that are in the water. You can easily get most of this information from other anglers that are fishing or you can stop by the local fishing shop and chat with the folks there.
Additionally, observe the bait fish that are in the area. You want to “match the hatch”. If you can find out what is the local bait that the fish in the water is feeding on, then you want to use that same bait on your fishing trips.
2. Fish Eyesight
We often underestimate how good of eyesight fish have. When you are fishing from the shore, avoid wearing bright-colored clothes. Fish will pick out the bright colors when they are close to the banks. They will become alerted and will move further away from the banks. Camouflage or dark-colored clothing is the best when you fish from the shore.
3. Move Slowly
Fish are very sensitive to vibrations from the banks and will easily get alerted when they detect vibrations. When fishing from the banks of rivers, ponds, and streams, always be mindful of your movements and learn to move lightly and slowly. Avoid talking on the phone as fish will pick up the sounds and move further away from the shore.
Additionally, there are usually frogs and other insects that are on the banks of rivers. If you don’t move lightly and slowly, the frogs and insects will panic and jump into the water to escape your approach. This movement by frogs and insects can also alert fish to the danger that caused the frogs and insects to escape and seek refuge in the water.
4. Casting Upstream
When fishing from the shore, always cast the bait upstream and let the current it to the fish. Start reeling in your line when it passes you. If you delay reeling your line, it could get caught up around structures or large rocks.
5. Look for Cover
When fishing from the shore, look for a cover that the fish can use to give them shade from the sunlight as well as cover to hide from their bait as they wait to ambush their prey. Fallen trees, hanging trees, docks, piers, and logs are some of the objects that fish used as cover.
Additionally, look for pockets with thick vegetation that can be used by the fish as cover to hide from prey as well as wait for bait fish to feed on. Bass, trout, and other fish like to hide in cover to ambush their prey. You can read bass fishing tips to learn how to catch more bass.
6. Cast at 45 Degrees
When casting your bait, always cast it at 45 degrees. Casting at this angle will allow the bait to stay at each water depth for quite a while and this will increase your chances of catching fish. You will only be able to fish in each region for a very brief time if you cast your bait precisely in front of you.
7. Fish Net
When you fish from the edges of lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams, always bring a fish net with you. A net can help you from losing the fish, particularly on banks covered with dense vegetation. There are many situations in which it becomes a challenge as you reel in the catch. Most fish will put up a spirited fight and with a net, you can make it easier to retrieve the fish than just trying to reel it in from thick vegetation or an area with a lot of structures.
8. Always Be Moving
When fishing from the banks of rivers, always be moving. It is easy to find yourself just standing in one spot and trying to catch fish.
If you are not finding any fish at a location for a period of time, move to another area and try it. Many anglers make the mistake of remaining in one spot for too long. By moving, you will find areas with fish which will increase your chances of catching some.
9. Night Fishing
Fishing at night can be more productive than fishing during the day. Usually, there is less activity during the night and the water is calmer. This can be more appealing to fish and they tend to come out more at night to feed. Your chances of catching big fish increase when you fish at night.
Additionally, besides fewer activities from anglers at night, other fish predators like very large fish will also not be around during the night which makes it less dangerous for fish to come out to feed.
10. Observe the Weather
You can monitor the weather conditions and use them to your advantage when fishing from the banks. Fish will migrate to shallow places during warm weather and feed in the evenings and mornings. On cloudy days, the feeding times will be extended and this might improve the bite. Your chances of catching fish greatly increase as you study the weather and take advantage of warmer days to fish.
Fishing from the shore can be rewarding if you know what to do and what to avoid. Many anglers overlook many things when they fish from the banks of rivers, ponds, lakes, and streams. In this article, we shared bank fishing tips to help you be more successful when fishing from the shore. If you would like to get more fishing tips, visit the hunting terrain.